I dont know if its all this Bourbon talk but im drinking a Green Man Celtic at the moment and im getting huge Whisky Bourbon note's off it anyone care to elaborate?? I am very very sensitive to Bourbon!! It dosnt take much for me to put it back where it came from.
I love Green Man Celtic and Strong, both are blended beers, they make up their whiskey bock @ 9% aged in a barrel (you can also purchase this stuff, its powerfull and tasty, but a wee bit spensy) and for the strong they blend it with their Best Bitter which is my favourite, and with their Celtic I think its blended with their Mild...
So yeah - im not surprised you can pick up on the whiskey ;o) You should try the strong, its devine!!
Thanks to the kindness and generosity of Martin Bridges, I'm having my first taste of Yeastie Boys Kid Chocolate.
This is a splendid beer.
Deep copper with an off white head. Chocolate and nuts on the nose, earthy woodiness with some vanilla notes.
Sweet biscuity malt offset with a touch of roast and more nuts, enough sweetness left over however to tickle my tongue when the hops chime in, their earthy bitterness momentarily creating marmalade in my mouth before cleansing and salivating me into sipping again.
Heaven in a glass, this is one well made beer. I've got a lot to learn.
As Ally said managed to get a Fatlip on the way home, good beer, nice and easy to drink nothing offensive about it.... to bad I had to come home to sort out the kids.
Double cheers to reviled for the hops, I took them to work in the ute this morning, and spent my afternoon tea in the ute with all the windows up..... like the old days but no smoke..... :)
Bahaha, that one made me choke on my coffee, classic :o) lol No worries guys, allways happy to help!
Last night had a few glasses of Jim Beam rye 50/50 with water, yummy! Spicy with the typical bourbon woody character but really drinkable! Im really keen to try some proper rye whiskey from the states, does anyone know of any brands you can get over here or duty free?
based out of Christchurch. I generally pop in most times I'm down there - and they'll certainly welcome you with a morning or afternoon dram. (they also do many of the tastings around the country, and know their uisce bheatha very well indeed)
Kid Chocolate
An unnammed Imperial Red (7.5%)
Thorogood's Dark Malted Apple Beer (12%)
Mike's Smoked Imperial Stout (10%, I think)
R&B Hop Goblin IPA (6%)
Kieran's Merchant of the Devil Imperial Stout (9.4%)
There may have been one or two others in there too.
And loads of curry from Great India. Top night.
Also got Green Flash Le Freak ("Belgian Tripel IPA) and some 12% American barleywine in the cellar...