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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Yeh, I concur with Soren here. Everyone I've had has been better than the last.
yeah I dont know what happend? But all I know If I find another it will be straight into my shoping basket!! Me and Smoking Bishop got some unfinished business!!
Picked up a 4 pack of Mike's Organic Ale and Fullers 1845.

Has anyone had Mike's before? I saw it in my local and thought I would give it a try.......wait......just took my first gulp. It's got quite a distinctive nose: rich and malty. Low carbonation (no head), good malty, slightly nutty and a toffee/sweet palate with a bitter aftertaste. Is it supposed to be low in carbonation?

Not a bad drop.
I've had quite a few Mikes Organics recently.
Yeah, its pretty low in carbonation and tastes pretty much exactly as you've described it. I rated it side by side with Kid Choc one night and Mikes lacked the depth of flavour of the KC but was still a pretty decent beer all round and now KC is gone burgers it's the best (tho perhaps only) Mild in NZ

New packaging is pretty smart too, though i can't help miss the old gold top that always made me think of the UK milk bottles for the extra creamy milk from jersey and Guernsey cows
I had a 4 pack of Mike's when up in the Taranaki a month or so ago, agree it's similar to KC but isn't quite there flavour wise. Had a great time at the brewery chatting with them all about brewing and having a nosy, I should post some pics.
I think they are quite different, evn though they are both 'mild-ish'.

What you have to remember about Kid Chocolate, as opposed to Mike's Mild (or most commercial ales, for the matter), is that there is no way you were drinking a beer that was more than about 8-10 weeks old. When you are buying an craft ale off the shelf you are probably lucky to be getting it at 8 weeks...

It would be laying on the cheese to say Yeastie Boys are "fresh"... but we are. The beer doesn't sit around for long. Putting a beer in a bottle, and sending it out to someone elses shelf, is a big move and a totally different game.

I LOVE MIKE'S MILD. I've been lucky enough to have never had a bad pint and I think it has been tasting really good the couple of times I've tried it this year...
We've got Mike's Mild on tap at the moment - as well as Townshend Dr Jen's Mild on handpull. Both milds getting a lot of good responses. Totally agree with Tony's description of MM - although I also detected a hint of chocolate as well - perhaps a difference between kegged and bottle product?

I'm really pleased to see session beers being well received as I've always enjoyed being able to sit around a table with mates having a decent time without having to ration out the quality beers (that nearly always seem to be 5%+ abv) that I'm drinking.

I'm also really chuffed I can have a mild&bitter as well - a fantastic winter pint.
I bought back a mixed dozen from melbourne.

into the Moutain Goat Hightail Ale:

Nice, I brewed a clone recipe of the hightail when doing kits and bits. No idea how close I got coz never tried the real deal haha, turned out well though, hint of caramel/toffee came through. Just drinking a Fullers London Porter, perfect for a cold night in Wellington. Lovely smooth chocolate flavour with some roastyness too.
Hlogate Hopinator Double IPA. Awesome malty backbone.

That their is the best Pint in Aus I reacon!! I prefered it to Murrys and the 4 I tried!!
Belhaven Wee heavy - Im really starting to get a soft spot for beers like this, maybe its the colder weather? Ive normally not been a fan of overly sweet beers, but these beers have an added 'richness' which adds to it, making it seem more rich and caramelly/toffee like than just boring sweet...

It was a damn tasty beer, but still no Stonecutter, allthough im sure if it hadnt travelled half way round the world to be left on a shelf out of the fridge at foodtown, it would probably be alot better... 3rd Belhaven beer ive tried and ive enjoyed all three :o)


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