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Too hoppy??? Is that possible :oP
Herbst Hobbit madness Lager.

brewing now.

5kg pilsner malt
300g crystal
250g Carahell
50g Super alpha bittering
50g NZ cascade cones for 15 minutes
50g Motueka pallets FO
50g NZ cascade cones for dry hopping
Wyeast Bohemian lager 2124
You would never normally hear me say this, but US Hops are just so 2008. I'm totally over them - the cost is rediculous, and the results in beers are marginal. To prove this, I have just brewed the following. I'm pitching US-05 (slightly underpitching to enhance fruity flavours) and fermenting at 20 degrees.

14-B American IPA
Author: J Wood
Date: 15/05/2009

Size: 23.57 L
Efficiency: 82.0%
Attenuation: 82.0%
Calories: 223.79 kcal per 12.0 fl oz

Original Gravity: 1.068 (1.056 - 1.075)
Terminal Gravity: 1.012 (1.010 - 1.018)
Color: 9.58 (6.0 - 15.0)
Alcohol: 7.31% (5.5% - 7.5%)
Bitterness: 77.4 (40.0 - 70.0)

6 kg Golden Promise Pale
.3 kg Caramalt 33
.22 kg Carapils®/Carafoam®
10 g Organic Pacific Gem (12.6%) - added during boil, boiled 60 min
25 g Riwaka (5.1%) - added during boil, boiled 30 min
25 g Nelson Sauvin (11.4%) - added during boil, boiled 30 min
50 g Cascade (5.8%) - added during boil, boiled 15 min
25 g Organic Pacific Gem (12.6%) - added during boil, boiled 15 min
50 g Cascade (5.8%) - added during boil, boiled 1 min
25 g Riwaka (5.1%) - added during boil, boiled 1 min
25.0 g Organic Pacific Gem (12.6%) - added dry to secondary fermenter
25.0 g Riwaka (5.1%) - added dry to secondary fermenter
25.0 g Cascade (5.8%) - added dry to secondary fermenter
25.0 g Nelson Sauvin (11.4%) - added dry to secondary fermenter

00:03:00 Mash In - Liquor: 16.3 L; Strike: 75.27 °C; Target: 67.5 °C
01:03:00 Mash - Rest: 60 min; Final: 66.5 °C
02:03:00 Untitled Step - Sparge Volume: 27.21 L; Sparge Temperature: 75.6 °C; Runoff: 27.29 L
Pffft, says the man who just ordered 1.75kgs of US hops :oP

TAKE DOWN REQUEST!!! This is an outrage!!! lolz

If that your favourite? NZ cascade brother? ;oP hehehe
2.75 kilos bro - I hope you didn't pocket the other kilo! I thought I had better use up the rest of my NZ Cascade before they get too cheesy!
Hahaha, woops, just a slight typo...

Disclaimer : May not actually be 2.75 kilos :oP bahahaha (insert tui billboard here)

I was looking at those NZ cascade flowers you gave me last night thinking.... Yeah - those are really gonna get used real quick lol
Whats the pacific gem like? Ive heard it can lend blackcurrant overtones?
Thats the hope... but the raw hop has a rather pungent smell. Same as the Riwaka - thought I could tame each addition by using twice as much Cascade... we'll see in a few weeks time I suppose.
Well, should be interesting none the less :o) Be keen to see your results, I still reckon the winter warmer will be better :oP
It'll be interesting to do a side by side - the grist is virtuall identical, and they both have virtually the same amount of hops. I guess I'll be the only one who will know!
Pffft, with all that Sauvin in there I reckon id be able to pick it bro! Or would i???
I'm not sure. Here's my thinking on the brew... traditionally, the beers I've made with these hops have been dry, and Inever liked the hop flavours without any body to back them up. Introducing CaraPils, and a 67.5 degree mash (which I nailed) should give some body without persueding any of the flavours.

The Sauvin addition is pretty early in the boil - any of the sharpness that it brings to the palate should be dulled slightly - yet hopefully still in the mix. A small amount in the dry hop should invogorate the effect.

We'll see. If it's a flop, I'll still have a few kilos of US hops to muck around with.


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