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The sooner this lunacy is challenged and defeated the better!

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The best thing to do is ask different questions. Ask the same question, get the same answer...
And if you ask lots of questions you will make some ones job more secure, and some bad bad dutch brewery send a little less money to Holland.
Some thoughts on ongoing activism...

I know this is an issue that's got us all up in arms. Nothing is more frustrating than seeing corporate bollocks for what it is, and then getting fobbed off with the usual party line.

The problem, as I see it, is that these people (Clare, Jo, any other DB spokesperson) are just doing their job. They need to put food on the table like we do. They have no choice other than to say those things. I'm pretty sure if they weren't working for DB, they'd probably agree with our view on this - I've yet to meet anyone who doesn't. It's one of those issues where what's "right" is pretty obvious, and anything else is corporate weaselwords.

Anyway, I'm not sure pestering them and spitting hatred at DB is the best answer here. After all, if DB suddenly threw out the adjuncts, learned to make a beer with real flavour, and stopped using legal tactics instead of brewing talent, would we have any problem with them? Hate the game, not the player! ;) Yeah, I know I've been guilty of getting my hate on in here too - the initial outrage factor was pretty high. Now, I think it best if we just pursue justice via our friends at James and Wells, and maintain the boycott of their products. They know how we feel. I think we need to show them we just want the right, fair outcome. We don't want them to go away, just behave themselves and focus on what they are supposed to be - a brewery rather than a holder of trademarks.

Anyway, just my opinion. Thoughts?
Aww man but I really like spitting hate :o(

*puts down pitch fork and torch*
Yep, I agree Greig. Use your energy to get word out in anyway you can, rather than pestering DB. They'll probably be more worried if it all goes quiet. And we'll get more effect by getting people beyond the beer geek involved in the boycott.

How about a letter that we could print out and drop off at all of the DB contracted pubs stating the facts, and the ongoing action, in an unemotional way. And another letter (or just same thing if it could cover both), that people could post on their message boards (physical or electronic) at work. This could acheive some 'internal' pressure back at DB from the pubs and a wider .

I've been spreading the word here but it is hard to get across the range of beers. Someone at my work fessed up and felt guilty because they had Monteith's the other day and then remembered the boycott. Another made a choice not to drink Monteith's at a function but then chose Export Gold.

How about a bold letter stating:

[list goes here]

I wonder why Lion aren't getting behind this?

No doubt waiting for someone else to do all the hard work, then come out with their own radler....
They have a radler (Barefoot Radler) in Australia... I wouldn't be surprised if they are shaping up to unleash it here.
Apparently they've already considered and dismissed the idea because DB hold the trademark on the name.
I would suggest as soon at the trademark is dismissed they will import it here, as the press that this has gotten will mean just about any Radler on the market will be of interest, whether or not it is traditional to the style.

DB have to be loving this media attention, as on the weekend I saw a group of young people buying radler, and asking why there was no cyclist on the shelf!
Ill take a copy of that letter :o) actually ill take a couple, a girl at works partner owns a DB pub... Oh the shame ;oP lol
I'd happily post a couple around my work place. Maybe in the lift.
How about a change in tack, instead of spitting venom (which is always much more satisfying!) - let them know you're disappointed with what you feel is bullying tatics, which you don't like or support in a company. Even though they did trademark the generic style "radler", it doesn't make it any more respectable or ethical to bully other users of this valid generic term into submission. Therefore, you've no other option but to cease to be a customer of DB, and will encourage all friends and family to do this also, and why, until DB decides to act less like a bully, and more like a socially responsible, respectable company. Remember, grass-roots, word-by-mouth campaigns are vastly more powerful marketing tools than plastering TV with adverts.

I doubt I'll ever buy DB products again, but at least letting them know they've lost a customer due to their actions, and they'll be badmouthed might make them think a little more than just spewing vitriolic emails.


Don't forget, Underdog/David & Golieth stories are amazingly effective. As much as I hate to say this, but going for the emotional angle in this can work too. It's a classic story, Little Guy does it properly, is bullied into submission by a powerful Big Bully who isn't even doing it right. Actually, another thought. I'm going to swallow my bile here for a second, but Small Locally Owned Organic Brewery being bullied by Giant Foreign Owned Faceless Corporation? Hello! Green Party material...


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