Went out with a couple of our sales guys last night to celebrate signing a deal. We went to The Occidental Belgian bar on Vulcan Lane. They had Stella, I drank Orval - the only way to celebrate!
Then home to sample my Irish Red. It's clearing up nicely and looks redder by the day.
I was lucky enough to get a sample of the Irish Red - Definately nice and red, good clarity, and even tho ive never tasted a proper red, this was about perfect to what id think an irish red would taste like? Its definately gonna be an interesting comp and I reckon Steve and Albrecht might have their work cut out for em ;o)
Just had a Pint of my NZImpIPA, if you like lemongrass you will love this!! Extremly quaffable but I suppose anything is after a long run!! Now onto Russian River Damnation!! this is amazingly dry!! Amazingly drinkable!! im to thirsty to give the finer notes!! this stuff just slides down your throat!! So crisp!! I wounder how much sugar they have used? to get it this dry?
Enough has been said. This beer is awesome (better without the yeast though, so either decant or pour it into a pint glass).
This is what I was hoping for in the Epic Armageddon last year. I reckon it'll be close this year (if Luke can afford the hops). It's like Mayhem with extra malt and hop muscle. I now realise how good the Mayhem and Monks Habit are...
Totally agree - with my first Pliny (and there are five in the fridge now) I was thinking about the NZ beer i'd had that gets closest to the hop perfection you get with PtE. Epic Mayhem on tap was the only thing I could think of.
Never had the monks habit - it was off when i visited the Malthouse end of Feb but looking forward to trying it when i get the chance
Mate I would love to see a Kiwi beer using NZ Hops to Perfection!! Im drinking my own NZImpIPA!! Its all NZ Pale Malt and all NZ hops pity we aint got a maltseter doing specialties!!.It aint no pliny and i dont think our Hops suit this style of hopping!! We must remember that Mayhem uses US hops + riwaka. Being US as the key!!
I'LL try my best but I dont think Imp IPA are there thing!! Ive tried!! but there spice is so over whelming in big doses!! Dark, Big, Malty im feeling!!