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Hey anyone know about these guys never heard about them? Im in Napier for the weekend and they have a brew bar just down the road from where the event im going to is being held. Is it worth a beer?

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Not knowing what you like, I'd say it's probably worth a visit, but don't go in with big expectations. I've tried most (all?) of their beers and they're fine, but I wouldn't say they're great. Not a patch on Emersons, Tuatara, Epic etc.
Don't they do the mates range and are in partnership with Plumpton Park in the filter room in Awatoto (?)
I think the mates range is pretty average NZ Draughty / lager stuff but they also do some better beers and some ciders too - been a while since I've tasted though - as vdog says, probably not your Emersons or Tuatara though
Some of the HB crew could give you a better idea - Richee, Fairlane or Mr O ?
Are they the ones who do Black Duck?

Thats pretty bloody good.
Yeah im quite fond of their Black Duck, its tasty! Tried their Force lager as well which was pretty boring, but refreshing and well brewed.. I think they do a Peri as well?
I'd say Black Duck is the best of their range, but still not something I have been able to get really excited about. Tried the Perry a little while ago and it was okay but I haven't tasted perry other than that so no idea how it stacks up against others.
I went to the Filter Room about a year ago and had a taste of 7 different beers and a perry. I thought the standard beers that they have are pretty boring apart from black Duck which was OK. At the time they had a seasonal English bitter which was only available in the tasting room and it was really nice. I'd say if your close by then it's worth a visit but don't expect to be tasting outstanding craft beers. It's certainly better than I pint of Tui or Speights at the local.

The whole tasting experience was fun with nice tasting room/shop/bar. It's quite a good little setup. The beers were a little dissapointing like mainstream NZ beers which is expected I guess seeing as that's who there competing with. I chatted with the guy behind the bar and he reckoned that they were after the "big boy" market (mainly with Mates) and that they were not a craft brewery. They seem to be targeting the Cosie clubs, RSAs, etc.
Wasn't some of the Limburg beer brewed there early on?
No none of the Limburg beers were brewed by them.
If you have some time pop out to Roosters Brewhouse in Hastings won`t disappoint.
I'd second that. Roosters is fun and funky!
Idd love to get there but I have a funny feeling we aint going to make it!! Im going to try my hardest!!! Billy Gibbons is in town for it, I wounder If he'll like the Roosters Brewhouse!!


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