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Who are your favourite members on www.realbeer.co.nz? Who has made your brewing better? The winner get's to give him / herself a pat on the back. Tell us why...

Here are some people who have made my list - these guys have directly helped me improve my brewing:

Reviled: Always working in the background making AG accessable to beginner brewers, and for the work he's been putting in getting hops from Oz, and sussing out brewery tours.

Mike Neilson: Always sending me beer great to taste, and getting the discussions some edge. He constantly questions conventional styles.

Stu McKinlay: My beer guardian Angel. Has been sending me hard to get beer, and discusses the finer points of brewing.

James_P: Very generous with giving me fantastically handy brew equipment - and just gave me a beautiful gift for me and my family.

Steve Plowman: Always hooking me up with grain, yeast etc etc. He is the man! Makes great beer - loves talking beer, drinking beer, making beer. Innovative, refreshing and very very very generous with his time.

NZ Brewer
Made this forum that changed my brewing life.

Denimglen For hooking me up with my Danscade rhizome, and being all round foulmouthed on the forum - which cracks me up!

NVIOUS For being my go to guy when I need some supplies that I cant get in the Naki.

Sorry to anyone who didn't make my list - more than likely you'll be on someone elses.

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Excuses excuses... :-P
OK, Being a bit of a crap answer here - but everyone!!

Being mostly a lurker for a few months now I have learnt so much off this site.

But in particular - thanks go to Reviled for the brew day I went to - totally got me addicted to giving it a go and just today he provided me a fairly gentle recipe for doing my first brew (finally got my gear sorted out - birthday yesterday saw me finish off getting the equipment -- gas burner from the kids).

And then there's Joking, Barry, DenimGlen

I love you all - my wife is a little indifferent towards you though :-)
Anyone and everyone is Gary Good Cunt on this site as far as I'm concerned, thanks for all the advice.
James_P: Always good for a yarn about brewing and life, sorting out the ChCh leg of the case-swap and coming along to student parties.

Denimglen: For hooking me up with my Danscade rhizome also, and helping a newbie out nearly a year ago.

Stu: Always helpful and willing to share his omniscient knowledge.

Reviled: For getting me into AG with his fucking constant plugging of BIAB!

NZ Brewer: For this forum and Epic, which pretty much got me started on the road to Craft beer.

Everyone else: Cheers for sharing your knowledge and beer, I hope I can brew half as good as you guys!

Oh, and I trademark Man Love®, Man Love Moments®, and all derivatives thereof. My lawyers will be contacting all transgressors shortly.
Well, this is probably a good moment to say cheers for all the help this group has afforded me. Being new to AG brewing I have so much enjoyed the spirited exchanges, but mostly the rapid and unselfish problem-solving responses. Luke, 'boy done good with this group mate!' and Joking, Reviled, James P, denimglem and Stu McKinlay, your knowledge of the dark art of brewing never ceases to amaze me (and that goes for others in this forum whose abilities I've marvelled at but with whom I haven't corresponded..and also Kempicus - bless his Pommy heart) - you guys rock!
i wouldn't really want to single anyone out, everyone here is a vital part of a tiny scene...


JT for his carrots, humour, and having brewed more batches of beer than any homebrewer I know... coming up to 700 is it? and he posted 1,000+ on the old forum.

Joking and Mike - both are totally full of it (hopheadedness that is)... these guys don't seem to make any bad beers, and Mike hardly seems to make anything under 8%!!! they let me taste all sorts of types of beers that I hardly ever make.

Martin - the Auckland organiser, keep up all the good work bro.

Steph - the first of the tidal wave of women (aka supertasters) that are about to unleash themselves on the craft beer scene in NZ and make it less of a sausage party. (I'm sure Demise will start posting here one day).

Case Swap guys - I've got one or two to go but you can all sure brew some good beer boys! I feel like mine was the weakest link, so I'll make it up next time.

All the lurkers that suddenly start posting and become an active part of the community.

the chch boys - reprazent! You guys are verging on taking over the place. shame you all chickened out from coming and having a drink with the Yeasties last time we were at The ' Hop.

Daniel... www.beerstore.co.nz was a long overdue concept. Glad someone took the plunge and i hope business is going well (I'm sure it has in the last week!).

And i'll tell you what fellas... I've spent a lot of time with commercial craft brewers over the last few years and they are every bit as helpful and generous as the homebrewers on here. Sometimes homebrewers annoy them, like little brothers, but they do love us like little brothers.
I do have the odd flop - but I havent had a drain pour for at least a year now... And yeah you are right, I am a hophead... and proud of it.

It sux though - this shortage is really starting to take effect now, and I'm scared...
Don’t worry Stu, the next time you are down in the '80XX' I bet you feel like you’re being stalked!
I have to thank everyone on here that has ever raised a question, or answered one of my questions as I have learned from every question posed and it has made my brewing better. Many of you have passed on pieces of information (whether you know it or not) that I have used in my brewing practices to get what I consider some good beers.

I brew for the process which can be a melding of science and art, and I enjoy reading other people's "art work" as well as being able to taste it, such as our craft beer market, and the case swap beers.

And who would have thought a paint stirrer could make that much of a difference!!!

Thanks..Accolades and mentions in despatches to Kempicus who over 3 IPA's in the 'hop' added more knowledge to my addled brain than sitting peering over countless snippets on websites. His words of just go and do it kick started me into AG. To the guys on this forum, thankyou for helping take a terrified newbie through to a confident newbie..Still often don't have a clue what I'm doing or where its heading but people on this site are always glad to lend a hand and throw the odd liferaft in when it all gets too deep.

To my fellow CChurch boys, I salute you and hope we continue to grow and develop into something strong, positive and beer focussed :)

Generally..to all the online and offline mates I've made through this short but highly enjoyable venture.

Finally..Dylan..My wee ginger monkey...who takes endless ribbing from me for drinking my beer but at the end of the day I brew to share so would miss him if he didn't turn up with an empty sugar bowl every now and again.
Kempicus who over 3 IPA's in the 'hop' added more knowledge to my addled brain than sitting peering over countless snippets on websites.

yeh, you can only beat talking the talk by walking the walk... websites and books are a good read, and sometimes a good laugh, but they don't compare to either the walk or the talk.

His words of just go and do it kick started me into AG.

How ironic... feckin' pommy b'stard ;-) I miss the bugger, even though I only met him about 5 times.
The only time I won't miss him is this year's HBC! ;)


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