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That was an awesome buzz last night regarding the US Beer on Beerstore...

So what did you order? No prizes for guessing what I orderd...

Blind Pig
Pliny The Elder
Union Jack

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I couldnt even afford to look :o( So I sent the link to my parents for birthday present ideas :oP haha
I ordered pretty much the whole lot :-)
Funny that! Tasted any yet? How much of this stock has sold in the last 12 hours?
No.. Not yet.. We have sold a bit.. it hasn't been publicly announced to our mailing list yet (Later today, once photographs are complete).. Currently the only beers under threat of running out are AleSmith IPA, YuleSmith and Damnation.. Get these quickly if you want them.
1 Firestone Double Barrel Ale - (330ml Bottle x 1)
1 Firestone Union Jack IPA - (330ml Bottle x 1)
1 New Belgium Fat Tire - (330ml Bottle x 1)
1 New Belgium 1554 Enlightened Black Ale - (330ml Bottle x 1)
1 Blind Pig IPA - (500ml Bottle x 1)
1 Damnation - (750ml Bottle x 1)
1 Pliny The Elder - (500ml Bottle x 1)
1 Rogue Dead Guy Ale - (650ml Bottle x 1)
1 Alaskan IPA - (330ml Bottle x 1)
1 AleSmith IPA - (650ml Bottle x 1)
1 AleSmith YuleSmith (Summer) IPA - (650ml Bottle x 1)

This Pliny was bottled in January, and you all thought I was a bit tough on it after I drank the one Mike kindly sent me. I'll go for the rerate on a fresher one and see! :) No offence Mike, you did an amazing job in getting the beer here, and I appreciated every drop.

While I'm pouring out the love, Daniel, you are my new hero. Why has it taken so long for anyone in NZ to do this?
I got about the same as Greig but got the Pale 31 instead of the DBA (though I wish i did now because last time i had it this was oxidised) and I got the Alaskan Amber - a beer I've heard great things about - instead of the Alesmith Yulesmith.

I'll be back for more if anyone has left me any. Maybe I should order now...
Yeah, the Alaskan Amber was the one that just fell off the end of my list. I'll be back for more based on taste! :)
Why has it taken so long for anyone in NZ to do this?

most bottle store owners think American beers are crap... or if they know better they don't believe there is that great a demand.
Pliny the Elder x2
Alesmith Yulesmith x 2
Alesmith X x1
Alesmith IPA x1
Blind Pig x 1
Brutal Bitter x1
The rogue Hazlenut one whose name i can't recall.
Think that was all but could have bought more. Was like a child in a sweet shop
2 x Pliny The Elder
1 x Damnation
1 x Blind Pig IPA
2 x Firestone Union Jack IPA
2 x Firestone Pale 31
2 x Firestone Double Barrel Ale
1 x Alaskan IPA
1 x AleSmith IPA - (650ml Bottle) (1994)
1 x Damnation - (750ml Bottle) (2018)
1 x Anchor Liberty Ale - (355ml Bottle) (1739)
1 x Anchor Steam - (355ml Bottle) (1741)
1 x Blanche de Chambly - (341ml Bottle) (1183)
1 x La Fin Du Monde - (341ml Bottle) (1184)
1 x Maudite - (341ml Bottle) (1185)
1 x New Belgium 1554 Enlightened Black Ale - (330ml Bottle) (2001)
1 x New Belgium Fat Tire - (330ml Bottle) (1999)
1 x New Belgium Mothership Wit - (330ml Bottle) (2000)
1 x Rogue Mocha Porter - (330ml Bottle) (1989)


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