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Would any of yous fullas be interested in going in on a 5kg order of Amarillo at approx $100 per kg?

Im keen for a kilo, but minimum order through NZ hops is 5kg, so would anyone else be keen?

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I'll get a kilo.
And congrats on the 1000 posts Reviled... great contributor.

Oh so the BIAB SPAM ALERT was supposed to be a congratulations... sorry reviled fixed that piece of code! :)
bahahaha, spat coffee all over the screen with that one, cheers James :oP
lol, thanks bro :oP Or should i thank my employer ;o) bahaha
Fuck it. Make it 2 kilos. I like Amarillo.
I'm down for 1/2 kilo.

The way I see it, you can go to the LBHS and buy imported Tett for $14 a 100gram, or greenbullet for $7.50.. so that is cheap relatively speaking!
I'd be keen to take the another 500g, so you've got another kilo now. Must be pushing the 5kg min now aye?

If you got another variety I'd be keen for around 500g of that too.
Yeah pretty much confident of being able to move 5kg, so ive emailed and asked for a price - this is where she says "woops its actually $xx" ;oP

Hopefully not, will let you guys know as soon as I do..
Reviled = 1kg
JoKing = 2kg
James_P = .5kg
denimglen = .5kg

Total = 4kg

Any more takers? Mike?
Aye I put my hand up first Bastards!!!!! Centenial or Columbus!!! Next one Ill take a KG of Each!!
Well, that is this 5kg taken up... I'm still bagsing 2kgs!


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