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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Raisin wine! - Brillliant - i've been thinking about doing the same thing myself with a kit yeast I've got lying about. Read something online that inspired me to give it a whirl sometime (and supplied an avatar i used for a while)

When you try it I'd love to know what it tastes like
Ally - I got the idea off of that guy, but I boiled the raisins to stop any sour things happening..

Will make sure to let you know what it tastes like...
Wigram Best Bitter.

This beer is choice as. Super clear, ultra pillow head, sticky lace. Subtle aroma - some caramel, some floral and slightly earthy hops. Some nice chocolate, toast in the flavour, sharp bitterness.
Brewed my irish red last night and broke the golden rule - no beers before the 1st hop addition, well I started drinking as soon as the mash started.. I was definately a bit wobbly by the time i was finished lol

Was drinking Southern Cross/US Cascade Pale ale untill the keg blew dry :o( Then onto a few case swap beers, with a glass of Belgian Rye (which has pretty much only just finished conditioning) to see me off to bed.. I must say, im so stoked with my Belgian Rye, 8.5% and theres not even any warm alcohol!! Awesome and deviously deceptive!
Grab a sample before you pitch mate and show us how red your Red is...
Going home at lunch to pitch, ill take a pic but wont be able to get the pic on here for a few days :o(
What you think bro?
To be honest...

Hopes were set too high and/or the bottle's a touch old. While the aroma and flavour is outstanding it's just not the punch in the snout I was expecting. I think 3 months and travelling has taken it's toll on this beer. Don't get me wrong, this is truly awesome, but just not as awesome as I'm sure it really is.

I'm only about 200mL into the pint and I'll admit it's getting better as I work my way to the bottom.

Joking, any comments? You've had this fresh in the states right? How does it stack up?
Quite comparable actually. Mine is way too cold. Over there, you dont get condensation on your glass (which is a bit a an indication of how warm they serve it) but then again, in October - the humidity is like bugger all.

This bottle is the same as the other bottles I've had in NZ. And I think it is unbelievable... here is why:

It has so much drinkability. I can appreciate the lovely Caramel notes in there... the peaches, passionfruit and pine on the nose: they are all so obvious. There is so much balance on the palate. The flavour follows through perfectly - there are no hidden suprises... no even with bitterness. It's not too think, not too thin, not too sweet and not too dry.

It is perfection in a pint. All at a great price... its like $3.50 a pint over there.

There is no point placing expectations on a beer - it will never live up to them. If anyone in NZ was making beer like this, it would be the most popular beer at the bar. 2 pints and your gone! It's not like a massive standout beer.... and those IPAs that try to be too big are good for a glass and that's it: can't drink any more. When you have Pliny on draught, you dont want to drink anything else. Thats what makes it so good.
Oh yeah I totally agree with you. I'm making my way through this pint like it was only 4% beer and doing my best to savour it, the drinkability is amazing. It's an extremely well crafted beer, very clean, no off flavours that I can pick up, flow through flavours unbelievably - this IS art in a glass.

I dunno, I was expecting a little more bitterness and the level of hop aroma to be higher, I dunno, most likely explanation is untrained and inexperienced palate.
Dont be all like that bro!!!! I respect your palate... you are right - the aroma doean't ooze out of the glass. It is what it is - you hit the nail on the head.

I dont show bias towards it though... even though it brings me right back!

Here's my dirtly little secret... Firestone Walker Union Jack.

Similar hopping schedule to Pliny (Simcoe, Columbus which is Tomohawk in this brew, Centennial) the only diference is Cascade... but you can taste the difference.

The point being "YOU CAN TASTE THE DIFFERENCE". This little dark horse is up there. I got 6 and will probably get 6 more... crack into it - you'll see!

The funny thing about this one though, is that it isn't as drinkable... but that wont stop me!


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