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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Had a half pint last night of my Scross/Cascade APA and was excessively surprised to be looking at a clear beer, almost bright in a becks 330ml glass! Im stoked!

This is my first EVER pale coloured beer which has come completely clear and its the one that I put lemon juice in to bring the PH down so theres obviously something in that, didnt even use gelatine on this one, its been in the keg about a week and a half! Awesome!
great stuff. I reckon you need to go down the voile path - I've found most of my beers have been bright after cc'ing (no chill haze).
Just found a new store on the North Shore, in Birkenhead (actually it's been there a couple of years). Ashore, I just picked up a bottle of:
Fuller's ESB
Tim Taylor's Landlord strong
Wychwood Hobgoblin

yeah, it's going to be a good night. Crap TV will never taste better
Emerson's Dunkelweiss. Wow. Seriously, WOW. This is the third year (if my memory serves?) that this beer has been out. It's the best ever, after last year's slightly disappointing one. So rich and chocolatey, with delicious banana esters and a brown-bread maltiness. I could drink this all day.
I recently tasted my own barleywine and it is absolute shite. Sweet, syrupy, raison juice.
I think my mistake was that the gravity was too high for the yeast to finish the job. OG 1.120, US-05 can only ferment to around 11.5% ABV so it never really had a chance. Seems so obvious now.

Anyway, I'm interested in tasting a decent barleywine.
Are there any decent commercial examples that can be purchased in NZ?
Where can I get one?
Thomas Hardy is the best of the best - Regional Wines should have it.
That's pretty suck Mr C. I brewed a barleywine a month or so ago that went from 1.108 to 1.025 with US05 and its sweet but i hopped it to 150IBU which helps lower the impression of sweetness. Happy to send you a bottle if you want to try it. The other thing you could do, which I've just thought of is bottle it (assuming its not bottled already) and put it away till next winter - i've done a bit of reading and the it appears the flavours should meld and soften with age

The Twisted Hop brew a barleywine. I've only had a tiny taste of it but it was quite pleasant, rich dark fruitcake is as much as i recall. I've seen Thomas Hardy's Ale in a couple of bars - the Malthouse and Twisted Hop both sell it (i think) so you might find it in a bottle store. Can't think of anything else at the minute.
Cheers lads. I'll try to get some Thomas Hardy and I'll continue with my bi-monthly tasting schedule in the hope that it improves.
I'll be coming down your way in July, and will have some of Mikes Maniacally Mad Mixture of Malted Meal featuring the 4 C Hops. It's a US Style Barleywine - so is very much different to Thomas Hardys in that it's about 4 times more bitter with a lower FG (1.016). It might be interesting for you to have a taste of that?

Stats are:

SG 1.095
FG 1.016
ABV 10.4
IBU 120
Drinkabilty: Rediculous.

Yeast was us-05
Dont foret my Barleywine you had the lid of was 1.125 - 1.022 so thats pretty dry!!
Yeah that tasted quite nice too. What yeast?
S05!! it about 13%


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