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Hi all. I was just on ratebeer and got curious about who is who in real life. I know a couple of you, but many NZ raters are a mystery to me.
I'll start it off. I'm "donfardz64" - a nickname given to me when I was young (don't ask how, I have no idea).

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I'm "Demise" - people call me that via text all the time as no cellphone seems to have 'Denise' in their dictionary!!
I'm Kempicus....
MS Word always tries to make "Stu" a "Stud"
I'm easy (well, not like *that*) as I just use my real name everywhere. I always found aliases a bit silly. No offence to those who use them.
Yalnikim... as per my profile here states.
I'm drinking so much homebrew, and not rating NZ beers anymore, so I'm a bit quite on there now.
Tricky Mr McKinlay.... Yalnikcm wouldn't look right?

Phonetically is works....
Yeh, one day I'll brew Yalnikim's All Star (and Hammer and Sickle) Imperial Stout.

Loads of Scottish names sound Russian backwards... i guess loads of names do full stop!
That rolls off the tongue!

Yeastie Boy's presents Uncle Yalnikim's All Start (and Hammer and Sickle) Imperial Stout......

Budem zdorovy
Neil Miller will like it, he already mentioned Pot Kettle Black as being "...hard to pronounce properly after two pints".
Yeastie Boy's presents Uncle Yalnikim's All Start (and Hammer and Sickle) Imperial Stout......


Why buy as is?

Becuase it's f'n good.....
I actually only just saw that it's your last name backwards-ish. Nice
I'm Beerledgend.

I use this name because when I was living in Adelaide, there was a bar that had a beers of the world thing, star a number 1 and work through to the end. When you finished your got a shirt with "beer legend" when I registered I miss spelt it and have used it ever scince.

I was the top NZ rater for a while until Sam when on a Europen trip.

Would be great if we all used ratebeer, to add reviews and comments of local NZ breers.



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