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Thought it might be handy to have a thread for some of the more advanced brewers to give some advice on recipes.

Let's see how it goes eh...

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Yeah - I think the idea with a heavy IPA like mine is to cover all of the hop flavours - if you get what I mean. So you should askyourself what you want your beer to taste like... "Hoppy" in a IIPA goes without saying... what types of hoppy flavours do you want? Motueka is quite Saaz like with a squeeze of lemon - so you'll have the Spicey and some of the Citrus covered. Motueka is really good stuff. Pacific Jade has a lower cohumulone, so it would go well as your bittering addition... maybe 30mins too? They talk about "Cracked Black Pepper" with this and "Citrus". I've found it to be quite peppery, so would limit its use later in the boil - especially seeing as how there are so many other hops more suited to a Citrussy, Floral, Pungent, Grassy, Herbal, Spicy hop profile.

I steered clear from Earthy, Peppery type hops as I'm not a massive fan of those types of flavours in these types of beer.

Be sure to post your recipe - I'd be keen for a taste when I come up on the 30th of May too.

awesome, will do
I went to pour some Simcoe Smash last night but the keg blew dry :-(

So I'm gonna shoot for a 1.054 Pale Ale using what I have at the moment. I'm thinking:

Golden Promise 95%
Light Crystal 5%
(I also have some crushed Munich and Vienna to use up - can I fit this in?)

For Hops I have US Cascade and about 1oz Simcoe to use up for some Aroma.

I heard that Amarillo goes in well with these too but Mike has none.

Any suggestions on a hop I should use/get for bittering?

Any of these other hops I have in stock that would work well in there?
US Willamette
Nelson Sauvin

Yeast will be 1332 (Northwest) or S-05
I've been using Southern Cross and nugget in these types of beers lately, both are nice. Sauvin and riwaka is what I'd be looking at, and S-05
500g of munich to sub 500g of GP would be nice here. Go NS or Riwaka for bittering... you may as well keep the citrussy theme going. I think US Cascade and Simcoe would be an awesome combination - that's what I'd stick with.

It's a shame Mike doesn't have any more Amarillo - I've only got about a kilo left after brewing the IIPA.

Even a kilo of munich if you have it.
awesome putting something together now - yip got a kilo of munich
Drinking an pale coloured ale atm with 15% munich, could have gone a bit higher on the bittering to balance the extra malt profile. Not sure what your batch size is - what % would the kg be ?
Looking at the recipe (5kg Golden Promise) the monich would be close to 20% (4kg GP, 1kg Munich). I dont get a hell of a lot of sweetness from Munich - maybe a slight amount more than Golden Promise - but I definately like the flavour munich gives to a beer.

I'm think about making a SMaSH Pale Ale with Munich and US Cascade - I reckon that would be the bizz!
There was a guy on a US forum that did munich and northern brewer IIRC, said it was the business.
That would be the bizz! Ive toyed with the idea of a Munich Pale ale before, reckon it would be awesome! Id want to use a few different hops tho.
Fuck it. I'm going there. Soon.

Reviled... I need you to do me a favour - when is the next time you are going to H?
lol, dont tell me you want some more malt?


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