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Is this our Barry that JZ is talking about???????

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I dunno but was that our Greig asking whats his face a question on twitter about BIAB comparing recipes? on this podcast? http://www.basicbrewing.com/index.php?page=radio
It was. I'm often in touch with James. He's a great guy. I was thinking of you when I asked it too! ;)
I've yet to listen to the show though.
them mentioned me on brewing network once. i sent them a pic of my baby vomiting (i can't remember why) and they said he looked heinous!
Lunch Meet? :-P

I love that show.
At the end of a recent Sunday Session show with Moon River Brewing Company there was a reference to 'Yeastie Boys', but it wasn't our favourite local beer entrepreneurs. I must drop them a line about that.
Yeh, it looks like there is a homebrew group... I came across them a little while back somewhere or other.
hahahahaha. I've been asked that a bit.

I'd love to claim it, but no...
Despite having a couple of nice conversations with Jamil and thanking him personally for all the advice he's given me directly by email (and indirectly by podcast), he's talking about another Aussie chap who was out drinking with him the first unofficial night of the conference.
A far more memorable Barry possibly. Not me.
Barry, you've burst my bubble. I was just listening to that podcast.
Sux. My one claim to fame.


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