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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Maybe it's the brewer, and not the method... maybe if you went conventional your beers would be world class? I'm not saying they're not already... but more world class than they are already!
Ooooh, I just had an interesting thought, a challenge for the both of us...

How bout when I come to New Plymouth, I bring my gear, my pot, bag and burner, and a cube, and you can brew with my rig.. And ill use yours, no chill into a cube and ferment it when I get home... What do you reckon?
It could be worth a thought... I dont know if my whirlpool immersion chiller will fit in your kettle though...

And anyway - I reckon I'd make shit tastin BIAB beer!
heres an offer I have a spare 5 gal mash tun at home I could bring it up to New Plymouth with me you take it home and give it a whirl for abit and see how your beers turn out? or If you like it make me an offer? or send it back just a thought?
Is that your morebeer mash tun?

If so, they are magic!
Hmmm that is tempting. I guess I could give it a shot, but then Id need an HLT or someway of keeping water at 77*c or watever sparge temp is sposed to be.. Maybe I can give it a whirl at Jos and see how I go...

And Joking - I just reckon youre just scared to try BIAB cos it might make your beer better :oP lol
Could be! I have a HLT that can handle a coupla brews.
How used to do it before the HLT was simply use your kettle to heat the sparge water and keep at that temp to sparge at, get you best jug you can find and tip 1l incriments of water on top of the grain bed to maintain 1-2 inchs of water. you dont need a HLT its more of a luxury than a nessesity. You will be amazed to see the clarity of the run of you get by recirc 10-12L of wort. I believe once you have used it a couple of times and sampled your beer it will not return to Wellington and and will find a nice new home on the North Shore. But in saying that I havnt used Biab yet
Hmmm, challenge on :o) New Plymouth wont know what hit it :oP haha
That is the exact same way I used to do mine. Worked fine. Now I just use a 20ltr wrapped bucket full of water I brought up to temp on the oven in a 10ltr stock pot. If it drops too low I just add a jug of boiling water to bring temp up. The bucket has a tap on the bottom which i have running in at the same speed as I am sparging. Will upgrade it to a HLT once I can afford it :-(
Do it Reviled.....
You know you want too!!


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