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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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have done so far.... 1469 has usually gone down to 1.010f rom 1.046ish
Nice!!! 77% and what mash temp and how was the mouthfeel? I ask as I have a load of Musslin Cloth Stacked away in a cupboard and I want to try a biab!!
mashed in my landlord clone at around 65-66, although think I used US-05 on some pale ales at around 68-69 and had good atten. as well. Mouthfeel?...they taste pretty good to my novice palette!

Worked out a nice trick tonight - after draining the bag over the kettle....dumped it into a clean fermenter and poured over a few litres of hottish water. Collected about 2.5L of what I hope will be a nice light starter wort (yet to measure gravity on it but it looks good!)
Fantastic stuff. If I would only do that!!
The starter wort I collected (golden promise only) weighs in at 1.030 - should evap. down to 1.040 - sweet. OG on my blonde ended at 1.054 by the time I added 2L of water plus 1L of starter.
Have 1L of starter left of the gen1 1332 which I am waiting to finish, then crash cool and test tube......
Let me know how it goes, Studio_1: I'd be quite interested in learning your results!

Also - it feels like a huge honour to have someone on here brew one of my recipes... Thank you for that: my head cant fit through the door. My wife is gonna hate you too btw... especially when I go on to her about this! I was going to be cool about this and take it in my stride, but I'm way too excited now! Good Luck with it!

I'm keen as for a taste once it's conditioned!
will be 2 of your recipes once I brew the monks habit sytle as well (all the ingredients sitting in the garage). Sure thing for a taste - will be interesting to see what you think of the biab version. I was done in 3.5hrs!
I have to admit - those blondes are so easy and quick to brew... and then they taste awesome after a short conditioning time. The perfect beer really.

BTW I dry hopped for 10 days at room temp in the primary once fermentation had completed. This speeds up overall conditioning of the beer, as it doubles as a diacetyl rest... and a tip: Once to dry hopping is over, drop the temp to 0 - 5 degrees for a few days to help drop the yeast and hops to the bottom before you keg / bottle.
Mike, you may not get that good results with muslin, its not the best straining material, you may want to do a double edged bag out of it for a better strain?

Funny to see youre keen to try a BIAB ;o)
Mate im a brew hore!! I'll do anything!! actual im a bad hore as I dont charge for the service actualy would that make me a good hore?
Which is exactly why you should try conventional, Reviled... open the mind to ALL brewing has to offer...
Allright look, I must admit that I ooh and aah over Barrys rig every time I see it, but theres no way im gonna do conventional unless I have something like what he has, which costs $$$.. Im truely happy with BIAB and get massively awesome results off of it, enough for the brewers guild to be all like WTF how is his beer so good with his shitty little method :o) So why would I want to change that? I like the contraversy too much I think. lol


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