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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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I saw that Fullers Vintage at New World I think - in the box?
Oh, had a couple tonight too.
Highlight was the styrian ale. transfer from fermenter to keg tonight, force carb'd as much as I could at ambient and then poured a pint maybe an hour later. There were a few floaties from the dry hopping which made there way into the pint, extra good at ambient.

cheers, jt
Some Coopers Original Pale Ales
Just tucking into an Anentinus to be followed at some point by a Forbidden Fruit, both beers I have never tried before.
Got into a couple tonight.

The six bottles I took to my brother in law's birthday went down a treat with the other people there, and I probably added to craft brewings bottom line with three out of four of them saying they would buy it. They tried an Emerson's, Three Boys, Wigram and Epic (I still haven't had a full bottle of Mayhem by myself yet!). Chalk one up as a craft beer ambassador!

I also told them to look out for Kid Chocolate.... but I couldn't remember the emerson's reserve name...
Was a very Beery Evening on Friday and I didnt get to brew 2 beers today only one!!! I thought I could of pulled it off but the beer was just to good for me to turn down last night!!

Joking's Ace of Spades (very good, wicked mouthfeel!!!)
Emersons Pale Ryder
Emersons Old Cascade
3 Boys Plum
Mussel Inn Manuaka
My Dubbel
My to fresh IPA
Rougue Hazelnut Ale
The Smoked Mazen from Bamberg cant remember the name?

Pick out of all and I wasnt looking forward to it but the Rogue Hazelnut was just Awsome!! It was a supprise as I wasnt realy digging it when I bought it!!!!
I've been drinking my Yakima Monster all weekend. I like this brew - it has something new to offer every day. On Friday, there was cat piss and passionfruit on the nose. Yesterday - the Amarillo dominated the nose, with nice grapefruit on the palate. This afternoon - I'm going for an Autumn stroll through a pine forest whilst eating chewy caramel, towards a mandarin tree where I'm tempted to peel the skin and consume the tender flesh inside...

Life sure is good.
cat piss and passionfruit

Jeez, I'm glad you don't write tasting notes on my beers ....
Was lucky enough to have a taste of Martin's Barleywine last night, a stubbie all to myself, or so I thought... This beer was awesome, 10% but it was so smooth, no hot alcohol just nice and warm, rich silky malt with hints of raisins, toffee, and caramel... This is the bit that got me tho, I asked Nicole if she would like a taste, not only did she have a taste but she liked it (she never likes beer) and drank almost half of it!!! Top marks Martin..

Also went to the shop and got an Epic Pale Ale, Aventinus Dopplebock, and BrewMoon Hophead IPA... yum ;o)
Wow, thanks for the "Mad Props" mate! I'm really going to have to get that beast bottled and hidden under the house otherwise I'm going to end up drinking it way too soon.
No worries thanks for the taste.. It was really clear too, I thought it would be alot darker.. I reckon once you get a few years on that beer, a bit of autolysis and some oxidisation and it will be out of this world!

I can see how a whole keg would be dangerous :oP Nicole wants me to brew something similair! Twas all maris otter aye?
Maris Otter with just a lick of Dark Crystal. The recipe is lurking in the What Are You Brewing thread somewhere. I should dig it out and post it to the Recipe Archive or whatever it's now called.
You definately should, im gonna read up on barleywines today so would be keen to have a look..


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