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hey guys

I tried a "Perry" a Pear Cider last night from some vineyard down in hawkes bay, it was sooooo damn nice that ive decided I want to try and make one... Problem is, where the hell can I get some Pear Juice? Or am I gonna have to juice a heap of pears myself?

Has anyone done this sort of thing before? Got any advice for me? Ive read that a mix of apple and pear juice is absolutely devine so I may try that as Apple Juice will be easier to obtain...


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I used a juicer for my recent cider. It worked reasonably well but can be a bit labour intensive. I juiced about 10kg of apples (a mixture of wild and kingston black) which made about 6L of cider, not much. So a press would be much more efficient. Be careful with what apples you use. My cider is very clean and crisp but mouth puckeringly astringent. I'm actually toying with the idea of adding feijoa juice to it when they come in season just to get a bit of sweetness in to it.


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