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Hey guys

The last case swap went really well, it was just between AKL and ChCh, but this time round, if theres some people from Wellington keen to join in, well work something out...

So were planning on doing this again, probably once every three months or so to get feedback on our beers, and to try what everyone else is making... Im hoping this time round we get a few more people keen on this?

We need to do a few things

1. Compile a list of everyone whos keen, then decide how many batches we all do, if theres less people, well do 2 or 3 batches each...

2. Once we know whos in this time, we can vote on a date, which looks like its gonna be mid feb to mid march, depending on what works for everyone...

So ill start this off, im in :o) Who else is keen?

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Even your own? just joking!!
Yeah man, sorry, I've been having some urm "personal issues" so brewing is at the bottom of the list.

Never fear though....there's talk of a brewday at Ged's in the near future which may dig me out of the hole.

Standby for more updates
We eagerly await your reply... So far were up to 13 bottles each, if you come back in well be looking at 14 bottles each...

And to think, with the first case swap there were only like 5 of us ;oP Awesome to see heaps of interest
Dood it's only the second one, you should pat yourself on the back it's over doubled the uptake!

What's the numbers like in each centre?
Yeah def pretty stoked allright :o)

Numbers so far (excluding Rusty) are 5 in AKL, 5 in WLGTN, and 4 in Chch

God Rusty, youve gone and made it uneven ;oP lol
Go round to the brew day at Geds with a cube and steal some wort, then ferment it at home ;o) Allthough Ged might not be too happy about that lol...

Actually, is Ged still in? And Studio1? Everyone else has confirmed?
You should start an inter-city case swap group or something bro.

Might make it a little easier to keep track of?

Works out quite well, I feel like brewing a hefe, just not drinking 19L of it, so I get to give most away, chooooooooice.

Off to make the starter for the hefe.
That seems like a good idea, how do I do that? Just add a group?
Umm, dunno, guess so, haha.
lol, sweet ill have a play with that and maybe use that feature for case swap 3 :o)
Cool, ive added a group :o) sorry about the lame pic but it said I have to to have a group..


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