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Sorry for jacking everyones threads and going off topic.

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A group of us got together and imported about a dozen 18 months ago... I'll try to find the company for you.
Low low gravity quaffers because I'm thirsty. Mild and bitter. I want to get a 60/- or 70/- right but I need some time to research - I feel Jamil's recipes are way off what I've drunk in Scotland.
Porter. Black and malty. Sweet and bitter. no carbonated black hoppy water please.
Nothing beats the complexity of a good flemish sour brown.
Love totally unique beers like Moa Original and Orval.
The French Cidre at regionals is divine...
Love hoppy beers too but I'm not as enamoured with the pale ones as everyone else...
I'm a yeastie boy... now that I'm happy making ok beers with dry yeast I'm on the hunt for a perfect liquid yeast. It's a neverending journey.

My last brews (from most recent back):
Belgian Brune
Norrthern Brown (tending toward Old Ale with Cascade and Styrian dry hopping!)
Belgian Pale (Achouffe/Ardennes yeast)
Belgian Pale (chimay yeast - murkier than the Thames)
Ginger Beer
Imperial Stout/Porter/Black/IPA/Black Barleywine ???
Mild Ale
I started brewing after tasting my first hand-drawn English bitter in a pub in Putney while on a short two week trip to London. Came back home to Bud Lite, etc.... So I brew almost exclusively bitters. My problem is I'm always tweaking the d*mn recipe, even when I get one right. I do, however, love strong hop aroma and flavour, but not quite the amount of bitterness in an APA. So lately I've been trying APA's with slightly less bitterness than the style dictates... guess it's not really an APA then, huh?
You gotta have a taste of my last blonde then Nolen (if any finds its way to the keg!) It's only 20ish IBU and is all about the hops! I was even surprised how good it was, 'cos my beer is normally pretty shit.
Mate, that sounds like what I'm after! Plan that trip to Welly and you can bring a growler or two that we can sample before hitting the Malthouse.
2 growlers will knock your socks off. My efficiency was up and so was the attenuation (still getting used to my new system) it's 6% abv. Here is the recipe

But I'll bring some down for sure.

Big ups to Kempicus. Crazy 88 is a satisfying drop: glad I came home to have it for lunch. There was enough vegetation in there to sustain me until dinner.

I just wanted to thank you publicly Kempicus: humiliation should come from external sources.
Sweet, im looking forward to tasting mine :o)
And i thought it was a pile of shit....i think i'm feeling brave enough to give one to Mike now....i certainly owe him one!
Looking forward to your offerings!!! :0)
I was just talking to Reviled and reminded myself of this...

I made a Litre Starter of my TTL clone. I used the standard Coopers Lager kit from the supermarket. Pitched the 1469 (thanks Reviled again) and fermented it right out so the starter was clear. I tipped out a pint and a bit of the young beer into a glass for sensory testing... making sure I dont pitch bad yeast.

Mate. It smelled pretty good. I thought, oh well - may as well taste it. It was depressing. I mean, the kit cost me $12 and the started took about 5mins to brew - 10mins to boil, 10 mins to cool. Some days a brew day will take 6 hours. What I'm getting at, is the beer from the starter tasted fantastic! Rich malty notes - perfectly ballanced by the bitterness. Yeast character was spot on!

Why would I need to brew these fancy all grain homebrews if nice beer was as easy as this? Goes to show aye... It's all about the yeast after all!
Mate i can see the appeal of AG brewing but i really can't justify the expense or time at the moment. Nothing wrong at all in using a kit as the base for a beer, depends how poor i am but i use coopers lager kits as a base malt quite a bit....that beer i sent you had that as the base ;0)


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