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Iodophor makes your beer smell like shit if you dont rinse it IMO. You can taste it in beers where they don't rinse it. When I was in some brew pubs in California - you could smell it in the beer and it spoiled what would normally be quite nice. Just being picky - but it can wreck a beer in the same way an infection could - and I rinse it out with no stress at all.
This is how I sanatize I wash in Iodophor then rinse with tap water than sanatize in star san!! but what about yeast starters? The no rinsing in star san must kill the yeast in that small amout?
I reckon scrap the iodophor and just go star-san no rinse.

Yeast starters? What are you making them in? If making them in a 'pyrex' flask boil the starter in the flask and don't even worry about sanitising them. Or just turn to vessel upside down and let all the star-san foam drip out.

Check out the various 'don't fear the foam' threads on homebrewtalk.
Well now its going to be a stir plate, and 2l conical flask. This is my thinking I will wash the flask with Iodophor once I have finished the starter, rinse with cold tap water. when it comes to making the starter I will flame the glass for couple of mins, let it cool a bit then will add DME+Water, boil with tin foil on top 4 15mins, cool with tin foil on top than pitch yeast and put it on stir plate!! thats ot to be sanitary!! I think the weakest link is the tin foil? and it coming off then being placed back on after pitching, or am I reading into to much?
Mike - if you do this each time, you wont get an infection.
And I've tasted your beers Mike - they're good. Not one seemed anywhere near infected.

You are paranoid! But that doesn't mean an infection isn't out to get you.

Can't you just boil your flask on the stove top and then cool covered?
Well my thinking is that we are a little paranoid, it is true in what I do but and I refer to this quite a bit, in the UK sanitary wasnt as bigger deal as it is homebrewers. For instance a cask is left with a wooden spile in it for a day before it is ready for serving? would you leave a bottle of your bitter just open for a day? probably not. I should try it though.
I'm not too concerned once it has been brewed... it's between boil and fermentation, and the equipment I use, that I'm most concerned about.
My old man is a retired city water engineer. I've asked him about this very topic years ago. He told me that in a modern, Western country where the water is treated, there should be nothing in the water that could survive the fermentation process and alcoholic environment created from it. He did, however, suggest always running the tap for 10 seconds to flush out the pipes and to rinse with hot tap water.... my two cents.
Joking could you smell or taste Iodophor in my beers? Ive never rinsed since I started using Iodophor and half the time I wouldnt even wait till the bottles dry out fully, I use 1.25 mls per 2 litres of water...
I have to be honest and tell you that it wasn't in there in an obvious degree. Then again, how am I supposed to pick up on a subtle astringincy, when my senses are getting bombarded with lupulin and Iso alpha acid? Even your mild was like 50IBU bro! (Which is cool with me - I say brew what you like to drink!)

When I commented on Iodophor making beer smell like shit, I was commenting on beers like the US Blonde Ale, the craft lagers - ones with a subtle malty character. I never noticed it in Pale Ales or IPAs to be fair. I use it in high concentrations - so I'll rinse because if I dont, it will definately turn out a stink batch. I'm sure if you use it in the correct doses - and you are using proper brewery intentional iodophor (I use Iodophor multi from a farm supply store) you will be fine without rinsing.
Hahaha, fair enough... I didnt think my mild was that bitter, a tad sweet for me :oP lol

What ive found with Iodophor is that no one seems to use the same concentrate, everyone uses a different amount... Which could explain it?


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