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Just wanting to know how long is everyone waiting for the S-05 to clean up the beer? Every beer I ferment with S05 leaves me with a cloudy beer out of fermenter (Even sitting for 3 weeks). I have split Fermented a control using S-04 to see if this has been bad practice. After 7 days the S-04 is crystal clear and the S-05 is just like other S05 brew I have brewed. I have one at the moment that looks like a good Wit and believe it or not tastes like one also? Heres the recipe to prove it aint.

5.00 kg Pilsner (2 Row) Ger (3.9 EBC)
100g Cara-Pils/Dextrine (3.9 EBC)
10gm Nelson Sauvin [11.40 %] (15 min)
60gm Cascade US Plugs [6.80 %] (15 min)
30gm Cascade US Pellets [6.30 %] (10 min)
5 gm Challenger [7.50 %] (0 min)
30gm Cascade US Pellets [6.30 %] (0 min)
10gm Nelson Sauvin [11.40 %] (0 min)

1 Pkgs S-05

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Just another gripe, I went in there in Dec and I was on a hunt for Hop's I saw some Southern Cross packets in there, the only time I had tried them was in the Emersons Hoppy Jim so memory was a little vague. I asked him what sort of flavours will I get out of the hop's and he asked me what were the AA's on them? I said 12 or 13 (cant remember specifics) and he answered bitter!!
Don't get me started Mike. I could go all night on this topic.

I think I'll go and open my last 2L of Aye Caraamber now.
It's not a brewers shop, that's all you need to say ?
I went in recently and purchased some DME. I asked him if it would be good for making starters and he looked at me like I'd said something rude about his mum.
I always hope one of the women are there when I go in...
My girlfriend and I refer to him as "grumpy c*nt". He actually seems unhappy that a customer walked in the door every time I go there (maybe that is saying something about me, not him. hmmmm). The last four times I've gone there he's had no unhopped DME, no light unhopped syrup and generally low stock. I dropped in Saturday afternoon for some DME... of course, nothing. He's really good and giving 1 word answers to every question I ask, and that's usually "nope." No customer service at all.

I bought some StarSan off him several months ago. He didn't know what it was or that he had it in stock. When I told him that it was listed on his web site he thought I was nuts. It wasn't until after a good search in the back did he find it. I now mostly order from Brewer's Coop and Dunedin Malthouse and only resort to GE if I'm getting desperate.

Anyway... I'm with Cherry on this, don't get me started either.
I'm think of moving away from US05 for while. This could be a driver to try some other yeasts.

Any recommendations for good dried ale yeast outside of US-05 & S-04?
I have a few liquid yeasts I may just use them and S04 at the moment.
US 05 is the best I've tried.
gervin - aka Nottingham ? - is favoured by a few, but didn't do much for me, ended up with a malt tonic the times I tried it,
S04 - much the same, not very good for the hop profile, especially soon after bottling / kegging
Maybe try Windsor from Craftbrewer, but it's a different beastaltogether with very low attenuation I read

I really don't think there's musch wrong with 05, except that it tastes like 05 whatever you brew with it ?
dried yeast in place of s05, that's tricky. Nottingham would be the closest, but it's no where near as clean. Windsor in my experience is more estery than s04 and lower attenuating.

I've never had any issues at all with S05. It always ends up dead bright, by the end of the keg at the very least. I fine with gelatin, with all my beers that's a MUST. But I put that down to protein removal as much as yeast removal - the fact I don't use kettle finings so there's inevitably hot break in my no-chill fermenter. Protein haze is extreme - a milkiness that just doesn't go unless I fine. Obviously the gelatin kills two birds - the yeast also drops.
I've done quite a bit of reading online about gelatin, most people say it does nothing for protein, it's chemically impossible. For me the proof is in the pudding.

Have you tried fining? Or are you philosophically opposed?
I kettle fine, but try I try and stay away from fining after kettle, I dont realy care if my beer is not bright at 8deg but when I drink at 12deg I expect it to be.
How is your RIS tasting mike?


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