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Hi folks,

I've posted this to the SOBA mailing list and my own list of Auckland-area contacts, but had very little response so I thought I'd pop it up here too.

We will be joining in with the Auckland Guid of Winemakers and Brewers for their annual BBQ and prizegiving which will be held in Balmoral on Saturday 6th December at 3pm. There will be at least 6 hand-pumped real ales, and a couple of the members present at the last SOBA meeting were talking about taking beer along. Guests are encouraged to bring a plate and there is a $15 door charge to help with the top-quality food. It's an event for all the family, so feel free to bring guests - kids go free.

Obviously we need to give the AGWB a clear picture of numbers attending, so please confirm to me ASAP and no later than 28th November if you plan to come along, and whether you will be bringing any guests. It sounds like a superb event and I'm really looking forward to it.



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Wife and myself will be in attendance. And a corny of summer ale.
Will there be a fridge for cornys? Im considering coming, if I do, will bring a keg...
yeah not sure. I'll have to ask one of the Guild guys and get back to you. Apparently there's going to be a heap on tap.
If there's no fridge I'll take one of my trusty rubbish bins filled with ice. I have 2, you're welcome to the other one.
Cool mate, let me know... Ill check with the minister of finance and see if I can make it :o)
Hi Martin

I was planning to attend, but due to work commitments, I am now unable to.

Please attach my email address to your database: tolak68@hotmail.com



I'll be there, but I'm a member of the Guild, so you don't need to worry about me for numbers. Barry, looking forward to sampling your Summer ale.
What a great event this was! I'm only sorry that, due to office party commitments, I had to leave early. Excellent beer, excellent food, excellent hospitality from Mike and the rest of the Guild. A great day all round, and my thanks to the Guild for letting us participate.

The next monthly SOBA meeting will be at Der Metz (a German restaurant) in Kohimarama on Saturday 10th January. I'll send out a reminder nearer the time but mark it in your diaries.


Second that Martin, a fantastic afternoon.
Standouts for me:
Reviled's Galaxy hopped pale ale. Everyone who tried it liked it, overcarbonation didn't deter anyone. It got drained.
John Golic's private stash - the very last bottle of 10 year old Thomas Hardy's clone that tied for best in show at last years SOBA NHC, a 4 year aged Russian imperial stout, some peated whiskey malt ale. All were fabulous beers, very smooth.
Paul Ware's Chimay Blue clone, great beer, don't hide them next time Paul!

The hospitality was great, food and drink superb. Thank's for making us SOBA-ites so welcome.
And I came away with several hop plants, thanks again John.
Where did you find those you sneeky bugger?? :)
the very last bottle of 10 year old Thomas Hardy's clone

What a beer that was... lucky you for getting a sample.
Cheers very much guys, I had an awesome day! Was great to meet everyone finally...

A big plus one for Johns big beers near the end of the night, they were absolutely amazing! Loved the Thomas Hardy's...

Now, I better get round to joining these clubs... :o)
Der Metz!, great place. You must try the Pork Hock!. I stopped in for a cheeky Shcofferhoffer Hefeweizen (sp?) or two last sunday after a day at the beach. Mighty refreshing!


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