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We all love a mince and cheese pie, well, a proper kiwi does anyway :o)

I was thinking at lunch, what would be the perfect beer to accompany a good ol mince and cheese pie with tomato sauce?? What do you drink with your pie?

And please dont tell me Tui to go with a Tui pie and some Tuimato sauce on it... Even tho Tuimato sauce is pretty tasty...

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+1, im confused? I can find a decent Pale Ale, and if not, ill just make one :o)
Stake and Ale pie and a pint of Bitter any one?
Holy sh*t that sounds good :o)
Is that a real pie?

My old lady made a mean as stew with a 750 of brown ale I had made. You could make the killer pie filling with that.

I'm gonna make a pie for dinner tonight I think.
God, youve got me thinking now... Hmmmm, smoked Porter pie??

Im hungry, who started this stupid thread anyway :oP haha
Pork pie
She's Defintly a pie we used to sell it like hot cakes, Suet pastry top simply delich!!!!!!! want the recipe
Yes please BIG TIME :o)
Secondededed. Used to sell it? Where did you work (if you don't mind me asking?
Is this from the pub in the UK? Mean :o)
kind of went like this
Gravy Beef
tomato paste
pint of bitter
Brown onion, and steak add flour and brown, add tomato paste stir for couple of sec's then add beer and bayleaf, simmer for 3hrs till it forms a gravy like consitancy. Put hot mixture in a pie dish and place a suet pastry top on it then bake till pastry is cooked. Pretty basic but essentialy it is the same missing a few extra bits as I aint got the recipe on me. Suet pastry top is the key bit in it!!
How much flour? Just a tad?


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