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I've just bought and installed one of these

It's brilliant, you set the target temperature and it will either switch on the fridge or a heating device depending on where the current temperature is. You also set the tolerance, to a minimum of 0.5C. i.e. If the target temp is 20C, the current temp is 16C and the tolerance is 0.5C the heater will operate until 20C is reached, then switch off. It will switch on again if it drops to 19.5C. The fridge will switch on and off in the same way.

Means of course that the seasons now play no part in brewing!!

I bought the fridge at an auction for $10. The TempMate itself cost about $110 including shipping and the project box to house it for $20. I'm using a heater pad which was $60.

The wiring is relatively easy, but you need to decide whether to do it yourself or get a sparky. Googling TempMate will take you to a thread on AussieHomeBrewer which has wiring diagrams.

I've wrapped the fermenter in an insulation layer (a camp roll) so that I can jam the probe between the two to closely record the actual beer temperature, rather than the air temperature.

By the way the jiffy box that CraftBrewer sell to house this isn't big enough.

Highly recommended

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Funny this was brought back up, just ordered one of these today, I'm over the t-shirt in water bath thing, too much of a hassle to keep at the right temp.

I plan on wiring mine up like yours studio1, ie not hardwired into the fridge/heater, except I'm gonna try and find a really big jiffy box and have just a normal female wall plug mounted onto the box for the outlets, and use a jug cord for the power in. That's the plan anyway. I'm also thinking of having a fan inside the fridge/freezer to circulate air, but not sure how to wire that into everything yet.
yip, that sounds like the business. I have no idea why the designers didn't have the brains to make it like that in the first place and save all the fluffing around.
Ah guess it was so that it could be used in (almost) any country cause of the different power plugs and all that.
Does anyone know how to change the delay from 3 minutes to 9 minutes? I dont wanna blow up my chest freezer...
Does anyone know how to change the compresser delay time? I cant figure out the gibberish in these instructions ;oP
I just read the instructions.. are you able to get into the configuration?

Use the code to enter the state of parameter setting, the code is “up-down-up-down-up-up-down".

Press the key”up arrow”,”down arrow” continuously in the state of showing current temperature, and it must be finished within 3 seconds. If the code is right, you can enter the state of parameter setting, here the nixietube shows “Fxx”,there into xx is a number,it means parameter code.

Use ”up arrow” or ”down arrow” to select the parameter code (F21 = compressor delay). Pressing the “set” key can make it to show the value of the parameter after select the parameter, here you use”up arrow” or ”down arrow” to set the parameter (from 3 to 9), then press the “set” key to return to the state of showing parameter code after finishing setting.

That should work without a hitch.
Hooked my one up te other week, They work hard to keep a constant temp!! but brilliant in the mean time, heres mine before my kegs have turned up and using it as a cellar.
That collar looks good mate! Got some room for a few taps there :o)
Waiting for the Chrome Celi tapes from craft brewer to turn up!! and kegs from hallertau and its all go. Might have to stick 2-4 on there it looks a little naked
Got mine the other day, still need to buy a f**cking freezer though.
got my chest freezer today for $30, which means I can turn my spare fridge into a cold conditioning cellar.

Reviled, why do you change the compressor delay time? what does it do?
Stops the compressor from cycling back on again within a few minutes of it shutting off. The extra time / delay (in minutes ) allows the pressures in the system to equalize. IF its not equalized then the compressor is basically starting under load or pressure and will crap itself a lot quicker than normal.

Bit like trying to start a car thats in gear...not pretty..sounds awful..lots of jerking but it'll probably start..until your starter motor falls off :)


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