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Hi everyone. Does any of you know of anyone using or buying/importing 500ml and/or 1 litre Swing-top glass bottles here in NZ?
We here at Sunshine Brewery are thinking about needing some, in order to encourage the 'fill-your-own' market, for people to re-use their packaging.
Any feedback appreciated.
Cheers, Geoff.

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Hi Geoff,

I know that the Sawmill Brewery in Leigh import swingtops from Germany (I'm sure they have 500mL ones), try contacting them.

Hi Rich. Thanks for that. I've just spoken with Peter from Sawmill and next time he's importing some he's going to include us in his order. Reckon I owe you a beer!
Cheers, Geoff.
Hi Geoff

I purchased some glass jars off these guys a few years ago and they were professionals. No job too big or small. Couldn't recommend them more.

Have you looked at "growlers" (glass flagons) with screw on caps?
Emerson's and Galbraith's both have nice green flagons that I believe come from medical suppliers. I think Emerson's have new ones - the old ones weren't quite as good as the Galbraith's ones but they were pretty good. It is worth contacting each of them, they'll put you right.

Good luck and slainte mhath
Emersons need to bring the Growlers back!! I wore my last one out.
It looked like it might wear out so I gave mine away to someone who I knew couldn't fill it ;-)
I'm still using plastic but thinking I'll work something more permanent out sometime.
I was thinging on the lines of the 2 Flagon 2 glass case, rear as hell to find a perfect working one!! I think thats what they need to bring back, lol
I am reading Stu...
Have they gone away? I love my two growlers. They get filled whenever I go to GB (about bi-monthly).
They have new ones now.
Thanks, mate. I'll check them out (Arthur Holmes).

Mrs S here robs the few swing tops I have for chutneys and tomato sauce. I can't complain however coz she's the one who sits in the car when i'm busy in disraeli st.

Almost Christmas shopping time

See you soon ; )
I bought 9 dozen bottles from Renaissance brewery for $75 couriered to my Door - I think he has plenty more. They are great bottles (once you get the super sticky labels off). not swing top tho.


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