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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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What temp did you pitch at? Did you make a starter?

I used Wyeast 2000 and direct pitched at 26, it still took just over 48 hours before fermentation started, thats when I took it down to 10 and its been cranking along nicely...

If you repitch dried yeast you wont be able to reuse the Wyeast packet...
Pitched at 15 on the way down to 10. Currently creeping it back up to 15 to see what happens.

Yes, I'm aware I won't be able to re-use, but at the moment I just want to get some beer! :-)


Hahaha fair enough... Id maybe leave it another day or so, try keep the temp warm till something happens...

If worst comes to worst, ill farm some Wyeast 2000 and give you some trub to reculture...

Edit : My smack pack didnt swell up all that much too, I ran around panicking for a good 48 hours untill I woke up to a swollen cube...
For all my lagers I use wyeast's recommendation of pitching warm (20-21C) as there are not enough cells in a smack pack to pitch at lower temps. Alternatively they recommend increasing this pitching rate (starter).

The pack doesn't need to inflate, as that is just the "proving mechanism" i.e. nutrient into the yeast. Did you leave it a couple of days @ the higher temp or drop to 10 straight away?

I am going to borrow the recipe and hit it was W34/70.
Can you post some photos of your sparge arm with some DIY instructions?
Hefe Weizen

Bohemian plisner malt 3kg
malted wheat 3kg
carapils 250 g
wheat bix 100 g
Pacific hallertau 50g at start
Saaz 60g 10 minutes from end
Bohemian wheat yeast

OG= 1.054
bottle conditioned

I brewed this before, but fucked it up, this time it will be better and improved
Ditto... Tony you must be doing a "cereal" mash.....
I know I can do 4!
Yup, inreases head retention, without flavour.
Brilliant! That one goes in the brewers bible.
Got tomorrow off work :o) So im gonna brew an Okky

4kg Vienna
1.5kg Munich
60 : 15g Hallertau
15 : 15g Hallertau

Wyeast 2000 Budvar Lager

Mmmmmm, I can taste it allready!!!


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