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I find that this press release for Export 33 raises more questions than it answers

"Called Export 33, the latest brew is brewed 33% longer (hence the name) than standard beer to remove unwanted sugars and reduce the beer’s level of carbohydrates - without compromising taste."

Which part of the brewing process took 33% longer?
- in the brewery? mash tun? kettle?
- in fermentation?
- in conditioning?

What are the unwanted sugars?

So not compromising the flavour means it tastes the same as regular Export?

Export 33 brand manager Dave Shoemack says the beer was developed to meet growing consumer demand - especially among New Zealand males who are increasingly conscious of the way they look and feel.

NZ males are you conscious about the way you look and feel?

if so does this effect your beer purchasing decisions?

if you don't look or feel good will that mean you will buy Export 33?

“New Zealand men love their beer – but increasingly aren’t so fond of beer bellies,” Shoemack says.

Don't beer belly's come from lack of exercise and poor diet? I'm sure there is an article out there

“The feedback from beer drinkers is that they are thinking more about what they put in their bodies but they still want great tasting beer. Export 33 is full strength, full flavour and low carb so guys can enjoy beer that is less filling without a taste trade-off – it’s a beer for modern lifestyles.

Full strength? how is this defined? Alcohol? 4.6%?
Full flavour? again definition please, as I have tasted Export 33.
Less filling? again looking for what this means. Does it mean that is fits into a small space?
Modern lifestyle? is that sedentary?

“Low carb beer has taken over America and is the fastest growing beer category in Australia. Guys don’t want to worry about how a beer might affect the way they look, so we’ve done all the work for them,” says Shoemack.

The fastest growing beer category in America is craft beer?

Brewers the world over are embracing the ‘healthy beer’ philosophy – half the volume of beer sold in the US is low carb or low alcohol.

Is 'healthy beer' philosophy another term for keeping the shareholders happy?

Help. I'd love to get some of these questions answered.

P.S. why is it in a green bottle? Export is in a brown bottle right?

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Even if it was fermented 33% longer, isn't terminal gravity just that - terminal?
How would you make a drier beer with simply more time? Surely it could only involve more simple sugars in the recipe, lower mash temperatures, and possibly a more attenuative yeast. Sure, over years of aging a beer might get drier, but surely not from process alone.

But to answer your second question Luke, "unwanted sugars" are flavour.

Wikipedias entry for central obesity states there is no correlation between a fat tum and drinking beer. Would wikipedia lie to you?
I popped into the malthouse on Friday night for an Armageddon while waiting for my wife to finish work, lovely drop, wandered off to meet her and popped into the temperance bar for a piss (it's a depressing place so they are deserved of only my urine!) but instead a glass of ‘33’ was thrust into my hand by a vapid barmaid, she gave me the marketing spiel etc and I thought ok I’m not one to look a gift horse in the mouth at the very least i can ratebeer it....unfortunately I wasn’t prepared for the unpleasant assault on my taste buds….i had a lovely aftertaste in my mouth from the Armageddon which was completely ruined by a -2°C sweet sulphury monstrosity…probably one of the most horrific beer experiences I’ve had really….the thought crossed my mind ‘well Armageddon is a pretty tough act to follow….’ sanity then reasserted itself,
I took the beer back up to the bar, took a piss and met my wife….

and there endeth the tale of my experience with the dreaded ‘33’!
:o) Love the write up Luke, hilarious!

But seriously, what have we done to deserve another shite beer on the market :o( Wont someone make them go away??? Its all a bunch of crap and whats worse is the majority of the population happily let themselves be brainwashed...
the masses get what they deserve. if they are unwilling to actually think about the commodities they buy then it's not our problem.

I wear the T-shirt I got from Stone Brewing in April as much as I can. "It's not too expensive, You're too cheap" It's exactly how I feel when people choke at the price of an Epic six pack at $18. When they are buying $12 Mac's or Monteith's. It's only a buck a bottle more, and still only $3 per bottle. These same people are buying Heineken and Corona in bars for $7 to $8 per bottle. WTF!

I guess these people buy $6 bottles of wine as well.

If people in this country actually got out of the Warehouse mind set and paid a bit more for quality, everyone would start earning more money, and have a better quality of life. But we live in an age where quantity is quality.
As I always say when someone baulks at the price I am prepared to pay for a good beer

"You don't take a cask of Blenheimer around to someone's house for dinner, do you?"
I have no problem with price as long as the quality is good
There is an extra dimension to that statement. It is the perceived value to the consumer.

If $18 for a six pack, even with high quality and big flavour, doesn't give the consumer $18 worth of value then they aren't going to buy it.

A wine example Vinoptima an amazing Gwertz, with fantastic finesse but at $55 per bottle, I don't feel it delivers me value. I would be happier at $45 per bottle for value. There are other Gwertz that I'd drink and feel like I was getting much better value at $30/$35 per bottle than Vinoptima at $55.

If the beer drinkers expectations are low because they have only ever drunk Lion Red, Tui or Corona, then it is a huge leap for them to understand paying twice or three times as much for craft beer, which to them is just another beer.
Exactly, I'm a good beer lover but i am struggling with the value that i am getting out of a lot of breweries/beer in NZ so i pick and choose what i purchase and won't generally go near ones that have burnt me previously.
Value is precisely the point. I find it terribly difficult to part with money for average tasting beer - I'll more than happily pay more money for something challenging or just plain tasty. Probably the reason I buy beer so infrequently these days, I have to drive a mile to get something worthwhile.
Absolutely, by 'burnt' i mean a whole myriad of things that i perceive as a problems including average tasting and overpriced. I veto a lot of breweries and beers because i don't want to waste my money on another drain pour or just another underwhelming beer
Certainly - if that's what the occasion calls for !
what occasion calls for Blenheimer?


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