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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Sorry, I wasn't questioning the choice of yeast Steve.
I think you'd be ok, even better with a lower tempertaure - if you have the means to keep it there now.
Fermentis lists it as ok at 15-24. From comments to me, it's cleaner at the lower end and honey'ish at the top end.

I've abandoned my NZ Draught / Lager brewing with W2112 (knowing I'll have trouble keeping below 18C) for the year and considering the same grain / hop bill with 05 to see how it goes.
Trying to use up remaining Grain and hops

My Miss Mash

5.00kg Maris Otter malt
500g Amber Malt
150g Crystal

67.8 deg mash

60 min
16g NZ Goldings
30g Styrian Goldings
20g Green Bullet

30 min
19g Fuggles

10 mins
40g Styrian
35g Willamette

33g Styrian


Wyeast 1318 and a dry hop of 30gm of styrians after primary ferm.

Dont know how this is going to work But have to get rid of the stock to fresh'n up the stock.
500gm of amber! yowsers. brave.

Golden Summer (summer ale)
4.4kg Golden Promise
180gm light crystal
OG 1.045

NZ goldings / NZ cascade, 20gm / 10gm, 60, 15 and 0 minutes - 35ish IBU

Yeah I know its alot of amber!! but its got to go.
Did two brews in the weekend...

First was an Emersons Pilsner clone type beer

5kg Pilsner
210g Cara-Pils
60 : 50g Riwaka
15 : 25g Riwaka
FO : 25g Riwaka
Fermenting with Wyeast 2000

And the 2nd was a sort of Altbier, but fermenting with an english yeast

2.5kg Munich
1kg Vienna
200g Wheat
200g Cara-Wheat
100g Dark Crystal
60g Carafa I
60 : 20g Northern Brewer, 10g Hallertau
15 : 15g Hallertau
FO : 15g Hallertau
Fermenting with Wyeast 1469
How did that hopping work for the Emersons Pilsner clone? Close enough?
I'm thinking of going for something similar in a Summer Ale.
Dr Smurto's Timothy Taylor's Landlord Clone..clone


5kg Golden Promise
300g Crystal

27gm Northern Brewer @ 60min
37g NZ Goldings @30min
40g NZ Stryian Goldings @ FO
IBUs around 35

Wyeast 1469 in 1.5L starter (supposedly the Landlord yeast)

Mashed in around 65. OG 1.048

Can't wait to try this one. Racked into the fermenter so no trub...planning to pitch another onto the yeast cake after primary.
Cooked up exactly the same recipe although about 29L this time (OG around 1.040). Dumped straight onto the yeast cake (after harvesting a few spoons into a jar). Is bublling like crazy - thought it would blow off in the night.
You may get away with harvesting a cup of slurry, thus reducing the potential blow "out". That way you can also reduce the amount of spent yeast you are repitching into your new brew.
Thanks for that. I thought about doing this but decided it would be easier at the time to just dump it straight in. Spooned out a little bit more yeast from the krausen this morning.
I'm going to make my third version of this in a row today (except fuggles for bittering) and dump onto the yeast cake again. The first beer is tasting outstanding at about 10 days.
I thinking this Brew for tomorrow

Imperial Smoked Porter

4kg Weyermann Smoked Malt
2kg Aus Pale
400g CaraMunich
300g Black Patent
250g Chocolate
150g Roast Barley

2 hour mash? im thinking at 67

My hop stash is very low only have NS, Green Bullet Supper Alpha Fuggles and 30g cascade
So I am woundering what to hop with.

2 Packs of S04

Finshed Volume will be 16l and am aiming for 1.100 start and a finish of around 1.017

Aiming for this batch to be drunk Start of winter so it will be nice and aged.


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