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Craig Bowen, at BeerNZ, has sneakily held back the last keg of Yeastie Boy's first batch. We're off to brew the second beer at the end of this week but we'd like SOBA members and the RealBeer community to decide where that last Pot Kettle Black keg goes.


Where would you like to see it go? Vote for your preferred location and give us a reason why? We'll approach them and hopefully (assuming they want to keep it funky like Lee Dorsey) they'll have it on tap as soon as possible.

The floor is open.

Slainte mhath

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Hallertau. I feel sorry for all the poor Aucklanders, and I know Steve would give it some good lovin'!
I know Steve would give it a 5/5 for appearance
+1 for Galbraiths or Hallertau! Cos I feel sorry for us Aucklanders too, we really want to support your brew Stu, but we cant :o(

Pretty please :o)

P.S, the offer of a keg at my place still stands :o) I dont mind people popping round to buy and consume beers ;oP
The Twisted Hop (screw the Aucklanders! :P)
Bar Edward....why? erm because it's only fitting that the final keg should finish up at the place it was launched....and because then i get some more! muhahaha
Can I vote for auckland again? ;oP
only if i can vote for bar edward 67 more times....
Considering I had ordered this keg 2 weeks ago, I'll make it easier. Hallertau is out. But there is a keg of Fullers London Porter going on next week. This is the second best porter in the world according to ratebeer.com, far better than number 5.
Steve - I've followed this up with Craig. He's going to call you tomorrow. It is actually BeerNZ's keg (he purchased them up front) and he had been saving it for you. I started this thread based on word from him that you'd not ordered. Comms may have passed in the ether.

Fuller's Porter is in my glass right now. It is a lovely beer. It's available in the corner dairy down here (they're not serving PKB until it gets into the top 3).
Nah, I'm over PKB now, it's yesterdays beer, bring on the next Yeastie Boys Alexperience I say !

Auction it on trademe ?
With that attitude you'll be lucky to get an IPint...


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