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anyone actually had a go at cloning this beer?  I'd love the recipe if anyone has it, its quite a dark beer.  I had a pint recently at Ruakura and am not sure if its the hopwired or a special batch?





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Depending on what 'my yeast culture' is, I recon it will be damn tasty!
Oh, bitterness is perhaps a bit high. I think tall poppy is a calculated 60 IBU and in reality probably a bit lower than that, and I think that's plenty bitter

haha US-05 yeast.


thanks for the pointers, will take the bitterness on board.  will let you know how it tastes



What hops are you using in the Hopwired IPA I am just drinking a bottle at the moment and I must say it is bloody delicious , I can never get the hops to really pop  like this (mind you I am a bit of a noob). So if it OK to ask what hops are you using (NZ hops aye?) and what is the hopping schedule.


Regards - Dave

i think its awesome how Soren uses alot of local product, alot of brewers seem to only use imported product.

Cheers, might try this recipe next.


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