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I'm trying to make an easy drinking lawnmower style beer at the moment. Am restricted to ales because I don't have any place to lager. I was thinking of going for something like (for 19l):

3.5kg base malt
700g vienna or munich
mash fairly low (probably 65ish)

German hops to bitter and aroma:
hallertauer 5% 20g for 60mins
tett 4.5g 15g for 15 minutes

Ferment with something fairly neutral (possibly US-05)

I know it's fairly unimaginative but I'm just after something pretty easy drinking and uncomplicated


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Great stuff. congrats!

I started the thread so I'm going to allow the off topic jaunt!
Congratulations! I already have 2 little assistants, they always get to taste the bubbles.
We're going over tomorrow probably, making a Honey Brown Ale. With a totally un-tried recipe. I should probably post it up on here...
Let us know what time you are going, may be a good time to have a meet at Wigram!
If you can put it on here, I might be able to make it over too.
You fully should :o) Dont spose its going to be a case swap recipe?? ;oP
Okay, so heres the recipe:
3kg Pale malt
500g Honey (at boil off)
350g Crystal 40
200g Crystal 120
200g Chocolate
50g Cara-amber
10g Northern Brewer @ 60 mins - 10 IBU
20g NZ Golding @ 30 mins - 7 IBU
Safale S-04
OG: 1.042 & 17 IBU
Hey buddy, looks the goods... A bit low in the IBUs tho? Youre also not going to have much of a hop flavour, but if thats what youre going for then all good :o) If you bump up the fermenting temp you might get some nice fruity esters with S-04 which might go well with the honey?

Is this gonna be a case swap beer?
It could well be in the running for a case-swap beer, hell, I hope all my beer is potential case-swap nominees :) I'm thinking a pretty low IBU to let the honey show through, its kind of a Honey Mild if you will...
It all sounds good to me. I'd also keep the temp as close to 17-18c as you can for the ferment to keep it nice & clean.
looks good. The only thing I might change is the boil time for your flavouring hops. I would make it 0-5 minutes, but definitely no more than 10. After that you start boiling out the essential oils and you end up with niether a bittering or flavouring/aroma affect. I think Tett are fairly high AA, are they not? Why not put in hallertauer for flavouring as well. That way it might be more balanced and even flavoured.
Duly noted, thanks!


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