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Triple A (American Amber Ale)... I usually make this with Pacific Gem and I haven't tried Simcoe but the AAA is really nice.

Have you got a recipe?

No prob....

72.7% Pale Ale

18.2% Caramunich

9.1% Crystal 60

You should get a nice Amber from that (I do)

With your Hops target your desired IBUs.. I like about 28-32IBU for this beer. I add mine in at 50mins (bittering) and 10mins (flavour/armoa).

Oh and a simple yeast like S05 or maybe the California WLP001.

If it comes out good send me a bottle... I plan on making this beer 5 brews from now but often the brain gets in the way.

Hi Grant 

Do you dry hop this one - thanks - I will send a bottle - sent friend invite :) cheers .

Any idea for a nice porter 

Nah I don't dry hop it.... but do so if it tickles yer interest.

Porters... there are heaps of recipes for them... some of the best ones are on this forum already  http://www.forum.realbeer.co.nz/forum/topics/1500433:Topic:14220 or http://www.forum.realbeer.co.nz/group/therecipeexchange/forum

Had my first shot at all grain yesterday. 

Went well and hit 73% efficiency, OG of 1050 with 18 litres into the fermenter. I seriously need a ball valve in my kettle though, as I ended up pouring most of the trub into the fermenter.. grr..

Used the following recipe, which was originally for an all Citra APA but I decided to split all late hop additions to a Citra/Simcoe blend.

I'd welcome some advice on dry hops (and the recipe in general). At the moment I'm thinking 20gm Citra + 30gm Riwaka for 7days.  Would this work?



4 Kg Malteurop Pale Ale Malt (2.8 SRM)
500 gms Malteurop Pilsen (1.9 SRM)
200 grm CARAPILS (2.3 SRM)


15gm Nelson Sauvin - 60 min
10gm Citra - 15 min
10gm Simcoe - 15 min
12.5gm Citra - 10 min
12.5gm Simcoe - 10 min
12.5gm Citra - 5 min
12.5gm Simcoe - 5 min
15gm Citra - 0 min
15gm Simcoe - 0 min

Dry Hops:

20gm Citra + 30gm Riwaka for 7days??

How did you go with this Mike? I have just seen that you didn't get a reply on the dry hops. About four days on those mate or they start to get grassy, but wait until 80% of the fermentation is complete.

Hey Scarfie, Cheers for the advice! 

I ended up doing 30gm each of Simcoe/Riwaka for 7 days (after 10 days in primary)... Bottled a couple of days ago and tasted pretty damn good at that stage. Hopefully I've dodged the bullet on those grassy flavours :)


Brewed my second all grain on Saturday, a hop burst pale ale using just wai-iti hops and plenty of maltiness to back it up.

4.5kg Maris Otter (75%)

0.5kg Carared (8.3%)

0.4kg Cara-pils (6.7%)

0.3kg Aromatic (5%)

0.3kg Melanoiden (5%)

Wai-iti hops: 50g at 30 mins

                  150g at 10 mins

                   50g at flame out

                   dry hop with 50g

Wyeast 1332 Northwest Ale yeast

Mash at 65C for 90 mins

Ferment at 17.5 C

OG = 1.055

FG = 1.012

ABV = 5.6%

Getting a lot of mango aroma coming from the fermenter

(Brew notes here)

Just brewed a Belgian witbier. After several attempts at extract and partial mash, this will be my first attempt at an AG version. Have a Pot-Kettle-Black clone conditioning in the bottles, and a Milk Stout in primary, and a SMaSH Pilsner lagering in the fridge.

Job cancelled today, so time to brew!!

Doing a half-sized batch of Green Flash West Coast IPA. My third all-grain brew, the last two were only 4%ers so this on has a fair bit more grain!


Cool! Coincidentally that was my first AG brew on Anzac day. About to keg it this evening. Tastes and smells awesome.


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