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Hi all,

Have been thinking about getting into brewing for a while - have a passion for real beers and would like to create some craft quality beer. Over the last week I've been doing lots of reading - this site, howtobrew.com, watched some you-tube vids on AG etc.

Am about to get my equipment together...and wondering...what should I try out first...extract, partial or jump straight into AG (mash or BIAB). I really want to create a bloody good drop (english bitter to start)....would an extract or partial be up to my expectations??? My only memory of an extract beer is the filth my mates created 15 years ago at school....so I guess I'm a bit tainted.

All info and advice appreciated.

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There's nothing wrong with extract at all you can make it taste however you want with the right care and ingredients!
I'd go with extract, you only need a 17L pot from the Warehouse ($20) and it tastes heaps better than plain kit & kgs. Although if you really want to start off on all-grain, try the Brew In A Bag method, it's a heap simpler and doesn't require as much of a capital investment as traditional methods. Plus it makes some pretty tasty, cheap brews :D
I agree with Kempicus. He makes amazing beer with extract. His impy stout is a thing of rare beauty. That said, I love the "hands on"-ness and tweakability of all grain. My wife Alex just tackled her first ever brew - she's brewing for a local competition, and wasn't allowed any help. I was allowed to answer questions and that was about it. Being Alex, she dived right into all grain, and she went really well. Her IPA is being kegged this week, and it looks and smells great. The proof will be in the tasting, but the point is that AG brewing is nowhere near as hard as it might seem. It's just more time consuming.
I guess you just need more equipment to do AG which is basically why i can't be arsed with it
ok, think I will go with an extract to start with...I have the chilly bin ready for a mash tun....just need to build the extractor part at the bottom - I can do this over the next few weeks, but at least I can get cracking with an extract.

Any suggestions on a recipe for an IPA or English Bitter based on extract? Planning to head to either Hauraki or Brewcraft this avo to get some equipment and ingredients.
Go the lord crouchback bitter on www.howtobrew.com
Nice & simple. Steep some grain, boil some malt & hops

Get to a brew session with one of the other grain brewers up there. A picture's worth a thousand words ...
OK, will try that one on howtobrew. Would be awesome to see some action - anyone who's keen - would be willing to trade brew experience for some fishing time on my boat....or fresh scollops and fish.
Keen as, PM sent soon!
Brewcraft, Hauraki or Brewers Coop - which is the best shop in the Queen City ? Umm or is it City of sails now ?
I've found Mike at Brewers Coop good, though I've only ever talked with him via email seeing as I'm in Christchurch and all.
Mike at Brewers Coop is the best place for grain in Auckland cos hes the wholesaler so gets it pretty cheap... Has heaps of other stuff as well and is a top bloke!
Brewers Coop.

Haven't dealt with the other two but Mike's awesome to deal with.

And to back up what everyone else said, extract first. You never know, you may hate brewing (although unlikely) and end up having spent a lot of money on equipment. Also the time brewing an AG batch first off may put you off a little, extract batches take about half the time to get into the fermenter and you can make some stunning beers.


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