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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Obviously I meant teaspoon, not tablespoon. 

Gidday Hillman.


I just recently changed the bottling process for that beer. It was a bit of trial and error, and some bottles got a bit of hop material in them. My only suggestion is to do as I do and allow it to settle in the fridge for an hour before serving. I can understand that this can be difficult to do - as one would tend to be eager with anticipation having just spent $20 for a bottle of beer. I for one would be ripping the top off it on the way home!


I have perfected the process now, so this problem will be extremely scarce from now on. I haven't yet had any complaints either... but I'm extremely concious of it. Other pointers for geting less vegetation in your glass would be to pour it all at once, leaving the sediment behind.


Aside from that - your tasting notes read extremely well! Thanks for posting.



Dammit where's the "Like" button!

Hi Joe,

As I said, it didn't bother me one bit. I'm always up for an adventure in beer sediment, and this was definitely one of my favourite ales I've had since I've been back in NZ. Looking forward to the next one.

Went to the RB Bar opposite Eden Park on Friday night to check it out. It's great to have a local with a decent beer selection.

While there I tried Moa Pale Ale on tap. I fully expected to get a big fruity Nelson Sauvin and Cascade hit but was quite surprised by the hop flavour of the beer - more like a weird earthy Cape Gooseberry character combined with what could only politely be termed a barnyard character.

Based on the conversation I had with the staff, it sounds like it's popular so it's hard to believe the keg was old enough to have gone off.

Can someone with a more experienced palette help me out here - have they changed how it's hopped or is it really supposed to taste like that?

Not an expert but isn't barnyard one of the flavour discriptions for oxidised beer? Possibly an issue with getting the beer into the keg or poor keg handling at the pub?

Yeah, could be keg lines from keg to tap, rather than beer that's oxidized in the keg.

Man, that sucks.


Glad I'm in New York in three weeks!

Porto Rico Coffee (which has branches in the East and West Villages) has awesome coffee. Tastes like melted tires. In a good way.

The last I have drank was actually Oranjeboom which was the 12% taller can one which a friend brought home from The Netherlands.

It tasted really well though had a stronger taste to it that how you would usually get to like beer.  But one that would suit just right when you would something a lot better to kick just right in.

And interestingly, it had a lot of good components to it.

Drinking a sample of my latest Schwarz brewed 3 weeks ago. Conditioning for a week at 4c with this cold Wellington weather has done it wonders, nice and clear. The Wyeast 2124 has really done the business, down to 1.016 which is a couple of points better than my usual efforts with 34/70. Seems much cleaner too. Hopefully I'll be able to recover the yeast later when it's kegged and get another couple of batches out, thinking a sauvin pils next.

Just back from a couple of days at a conference in Sydney. Didn't have much time to explore but managed to find a few reasonable beers:

At Braza restaurant (similar to Wildfire in Auckland, lots of meat on sticks!):

4 Pines Kolsch. Extremely dry and a bit too minerally for my taste. Not bad though.

Murray's Dark Knight Porter. Served too cold & fizzy (like pretty much all aussie tap beers) but a nice drop.

At the Pumphouse bar in Darling Harbour:

Temple Midnight IPA. Black IPA, very nice.

Doctors Orders Plasma White IPA. The hops and the yeast profile really didn't come together right for me on this one. Interesting, but not a beer I would go back to.

Its been 11 years since I was last in Sydney and I was glad to see the availability of craft beers has improved. Still all too cold & fizzy though.


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