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Hi there.
I am passionate about beer and have just started to brew my own beer, I have just finished my first 2 exract brews, and have caught the bug.
I am realy wanting to get into All grain. I have read all the internet info I can find, all of it quite technical but not daughting but would love to here from fellow brewers on the best and most effective way to start my own all grain home brew setup from purchasing grains to drinking all info would be appriciated.

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This is what I did for my second AG.. But keep in mind I like hoppy as hell APA's, so if you dont like chronic bitterness you might want to cut back the hops a little...

4kg Golden Promise
200 grams Crystal Malt

60 mins : 30grams Cascade
30 mins : 18 grams Nelson Sauvin
15 mins : 25 grams Williamette
5 mins : 10 grams Nelson Sauvin, 15 grams Amarillo
Flame out : 15 grams Amarillo

Got an OG of 1047, IBUs should be about 51 or so...

US-05 yeast used
Anyone have a nice ESB recipe? I love the Twisted Hops special bitter - though it seems like the biscuittyness has waned since I first tried it, which I really liked in it (though at that time I was ecstatic, for once I actually could taste half the flavours/smells that I was promised!) And would I have any luck in maybe getting some yeast/trub off them?
Well getting excited now have taken everyones advice!! and will be buying grains and chiller from brewers coop on monday just waiting to here when the chillers will be ready, bought a 40l stainless pot of trade me and a 3 ring burner from BBQ factory. Went to mastertrade today to buy the bits and pieces for my mash tun. Will be brewing a APA next weekend provided my fermenter is avalible as my leffe clone is at 1030 but still droping. cheers lads for your input!!!!!!!
Excellent, we expect photos! :)
So are you going traditional or BIAB?
I would say given Mike has a mash tun that this one may be traditional. I'll be giving BIAB a try before traditional as I like the seemingly simple process. I would anticipate traditional being easy too once you have done it once!
Yeah trad, Would defin give biab a go though.
Well first all grain done and dusted.
2.25 Mo
2.25 Gp
50g Goldings 60
30g Goldings 30
30g Goldings 15

Great easy day thus far. Over Exceded what I wanted dialed in on beersmith at 70% which gave me 1.042 and ended up with 1.051 which is around 80% eff, bloody briliant!!! must of been the batch sparge and morebeer mash tun, blood good tun lost about .2 of a deg over the mash and ran clear after about 300ml. boiled and cooled to 24 deg added rehydrated yeast and pitched at 24deg.
Bloody good day so far hopefully it turns out to be a great beer. So far achieved what i wanted out of the beer Light and hoppy. Magic!!
Great photos!

Quick question, where did you get your tap from? (Or was that part of the morebeer mash tun?)
How much did the morebeer mashtun cost you to get shipped over?

Have to say I considered doing that rather than doing the conversion myself.

Tap was part of the the whole unit. I built a mash tun and plastic manifold which is great but its just boardering on to big for 5 gal sizes 10 gal its perfect! The whole system cost me $200 at my doorstep. I figured it cost me about $50 more than you could make one yourself but the benefit of this unit is that you can just order diffrent gear for it eg flysparge etc. Stuff messing around with gear only to be disapointed and frustrated and having to pay more if you dont get it right!!!
and with this mash tun 100ml maybee deadspace?
You can get a false bottom and use a fermenter - insulate it with foam camping mats. Minimal work needed - doesn't sound as fancy as a 'bought from morebeer' jobbie though


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