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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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After a review like that, we have to ask, what's the recipe ?

23 L brew

Measured Original Gravity: 1.044 SG

Measured Final Gravity:
 1.014 SG
Actual Alcohol by Vol: 3.9 %
3.300 kg Gladfields Pale Ale (5.9 EBC) Grain 3 77.6 %
0.230 kg Crystal Medium 150 EBC - Thomas Faucett (150.0 EBC) Grain 4 5.4 %
0.230 kg Crystal Pale Bairds (95.0 EBC) Grain 5 5.4 %
0.230 kg Munich II (24.0 EBC) Grain 6 5.4 %
0.140 kg Cara-Pils/Dextrine (3.9 EBC) Grain 7 3.3 %
0.120 kg Pale Chocolate Bairds (550.0 EBC) Grain 8 2.8 %
15.62 g NZ Fuggles [7.20 %] - Boil 60.0 min Hop 9 13.9 IBUs
24.41 g NZ Fuggles [7.20 %] - Boil 10.0 min Hop 11 7.9 IBUs
24.41 g Riwaka [5.25 %] - Boil 10.0 min Hop 12 5.7 IBUs
1.00 tsp Yeast Nutrient (Boil 10.0 mins) Other 13 -
25.00 g Riwaka [5.25 %] - Boil 0.0 min Hop 14 0.0 IBUs
25.00 g Styrian Goldings [7.20 %] - Boil 0.0 min Hop 15 0.0 IBUs
Dennys Favourite 50 (Wyeast #Wyeast 1450) Yeast 16 -
25.00 g Riwaka [5.25 %] - Dry Hop 7.0 Days Hop 17 0.0 IBUs
25.00 g Styrian Goldings [7.20 %] - Dry Hop 7.0 Days Hop 18 0.0 IBUs

It is probably a bit dark, so I would drop the pale choc back a bit and maybe the med crystal back a bit too. I think I would also up the bitter hop addition by a bit. Maybe up to 20 IBU or so. Also I am not that stoked on the Dennys yeast. Does not attenuate far enough for my taste. I will rebrew along the lines I have suggested. Possibly with something like the Wyeast British Ale II 1335. I also mashed high, which will be adding to the body... perhaps if I had mashed low in combo with the Dennys yeast it would have been better?

I like the look of the Riwaka and Styrians, looks great. So do your thoughts on what to do next time.
Thanks for sharing
Sprig & Fern Pilsner, probably the best NZ Lager I've had this year.
Admitedly I was still tasting cholrine after an hour in the pool, but it came through well balanced and nicely hoppy.
Must try it again without the chlorine wash first.

Tasting my first trappist ale right now - Orval. Very complex aroma - fruity esters and a spicy character which i'm not sure is from yeast or hops. very nice. Not too sure what Brett tastes or smells like yet. Nice mouth feel tastes well balanced with a dry bitter finish. Just trying to get a taste of the Belgian beers. I loved Moa St Joseph

Tuatara APA - This beer never disappoints so far!

What a bloody good beer!

Spent a few days down in Queenstown... Oh, my, god!!! BEER HEAVEN!!

Most bars had their own house beer, which was in most cases made my invercargil or another decent brewery.. And on top of that there's a few really good beer bars, and the supermarket has all the good stuff! Awesome! And then there was Arrowtown where I had a good chat with the bar tender at Arrowtown brewery, he also let me have a look at all the shiny tanks which was cool.. The brewer used to be an engineer/fabricator so has made all the stuff himself which was a nice change from old dairy tanks lol, good range of beer as well!

The biggest disappointment was the Dux with their average beer, asked for an ipa and got given a strong pale ale which was amber and a malt bomb, not a hop in sight.. No wonder no one was there lol

This is another reason for me to get myself down for some winter. QTs always had one of NZs best nights out, I reckon. 

down there in a couple of weeks. Looking forward to biking the gondola trails and finding the crafty beerz!

Drinking a 50:50 blend of Tuatara Ardennes and my home brewed Blueberry Wheat Beer.  Best beer I had this year!!!

I'll definitely be brewing something along the line of this next time I brew a fruit beer.

Tuatara Hefe - very pleasant drop after a hard day refitting the shed.  Decided I am going to try and make it I am enjoying it so much!

To keep the Tuatara love going, I had a couple of real tasty beers last night worth a mention. Probably no surprise when Mike is brewing up a storm there but these were both just so clean and fresh tasting. A Pils at the Brooklyn Cinema, I don't drink a lot of pils but this was brilliant. Great aroma on the nose, clean, crisp, refreshing, just what I needed after a day of painting the spare room. Then onto the Monterey at Newtown for a burger and a Tuatara APA on tap. Again, a wicked nose on this, tons of hops coming through, a thick body and excellent drinkability. Well done Tuatara, I don't drink much of the range these days but with beers this good I'll be back for more.


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