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Thought it might be handy to have a thread for some of the more advanced brewers to give some advice on recipes.

Let's see how it goes eh...

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This seems a good place to tack on a source of steam flaked barley, well sort of.  I found a product today called Micrbarley from Hygrain. 20Kg for $30 from Falloons Stock Foods in Dairy Flat.

"Micronising is a short time, high temperature patented process using the grains moisture and infrared heat to achieve conditions essential for the optimal cooking of starch and starch gelatinisation. During the process the grain becomes soft and pliable, causing the reconfiguration of the starch structure ( gelatinisation). Immediate flaking fully gelatinises the starches so as to significantly enhance the digestibility and nutritional value of the feed."

Just bottled a classic 70/20/10 dry stout with this product today and it is tasting pretty damn good:-)

I just use my house yeast.............................SO5 since I have so much of it.

I was a bit weary of 10% roast initially but I arrived at that % after slowly creeping it up from 2-3%

over several batches - that said I do like a good hearty stout - and the coffee and extra flavours that plenty of roast brings!


I'll jump in with a full 10% then, I do like the roasted flavours but find they are not always balanced in beers I have tasted, I find I can't drink them all night if they are too strong a flavour.  Taking mine to club night tomorrow for a full inspection, see if what the pro's reckon  :p

You going to give the flaked barley a go scarfie?  I'll let the guys know in the club, might get a few to share a 20kg bag.

I'm planning on brewing a golden ale this weekend: 90% Golden Promise and 10% Wheat malt; 1.042 o.g.; 25ish IBUs; US-05.

I'm looking for some inspiration for the hopping schedule though. I have some Nelson Sauvin hidden away and was wondering about a Three Boys-inspired single hopped ale or perhaps a NZ Cascade/Nelson Sauvin or even Southern Cross/Nelson Sauvin mix. Any advice on relative amounts and timing of additions gratefully received.

I just did 100% Golden Promise and Sauvin. Just staring to crash cool now but sample the other night was great. Sauvin was around 27 IBU, OG around 1.050. Additions were 10gm @ 60, 7 @ 30, 10 @ 5, 15 @ 1 & 15 @ flameout.

Thanks Christian, I will go with that schedule. Why did you split the last additions between 1 minute and flameout? Can you perceive a difference? Being the lazy creature I am I might simplify and dump 30 g @flameout. I also found vdog's summer ale recipe which gives me even more confidence to go solely Sauvin.

Anybody used Special B and Aromatic malts much? 

I tasted them at the brew shop a few weeks back and bought a couple of kg of each as they have an amazing taste.  I put a small sample of the Special B in an ESB just get an idea what its like in the beer and seems to have a added a dried fruit flavour to it.  I'm hoping to use them in some Belgian ales shortly just couldn't help myself with the ESB.

Any tips on use and end results would be great.

Would they go in a Saison?

I used Special B in an extract brew in an attempt at a brown ale sometime last year. I had high hopes, but it had very plummy flavours that didn't really work for the brown, and that frankly I didn't like very much. I basically ruled it out of future malt bills, but then again my tastes tend towards the biscuit and special roast style grains. Others who tried the brew liked it.

Just wanted to add that it's a very distinctive flavour. I've occasionally ordered pints of craft beer and have known straight away that they used Special B. I think it's probably the only malt I can do that with. 

does anyone have a good robust  porter or sweet stout recipe they would like to share? i have irish ale yeast1084 that i am going to use


Thanks Hillman, I can get the plum too now you mention it.  Not unpleasant for me but always the way with beer it seems, some like it some don't.

I'm going to make a 5-10 litre minibrew with it and some maris otter, same with the aromatic, say 10-20% so I get the full effect.  Might as well do the hard yards and find out that way.  Think I will do the same with some of the other grains I have too.  Make a morning of it.  Should be able to run 2 at a time back to back with a spare cool bin and third boiler...


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