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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Been a beaut day in Welly so now I'm having Emersons brewers reserve (Golden ale) to be followed by C!TRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and having fun with Manuka on the BBQ.

Merry Xmas folks, wishing you all a good one.


im a bit behind you guys. Its 11am in Abu Dhabi and we have the best of a bad bunch in the fridge for an early christmas in the beer desert. Kostritzer swartz, Lowenbrau & a small keg of Heinie. The schwartz is the pick. Of course the beer is secondary to the company. Merry Christmas chaps, cheers jt

That can be a veritable feast of beer depending on your accommodation in the UAE!

Oh the accomodation and the company were excellent.

The selection of beer in the local stores wasn't great and the schwartz was the pick of the bunch.

Just washed the Aussie salt and sand out of the mouth and really loving a LCPA, don't know if I can bear to go back to the Coopers after this

Looking forward to next weekend and getting the first brew of 2012 milled and brewed (all weighed and ready to go)

Christmas came early for me this year with the missus buying me the Epic Coffee & Fig Stout. Thing is I don't really like stouts. But with this effort I just may be coming around. To be honest I am only really basing my first comment on Guinness and a few shitty ones I have had along the way. I have yet to try other highly recommended efforts such as the 8wired iStout. So I think after this successful adventure on Christmas Eve I will willingly try some others =)

Also (this is probably a criminal offence in Rotovegas) I tried my first Croucher Pilsner. I have had this in my trolley several times in the past only to put it back and instead grab the Patriot. I will be torn between the two from now on. 

Lastly today I picked up the Tuatara NZ APA from Te Rapa. If I am honest it isn't as good as the American drop to me but it is still bloody good.

I hope you all had a great day yesterday with some wicked treats like I had =)

Had a few good beers over the holidays. Christmas day I had a Stoke Bomber KPA. The only hint of this being a Kiwi ale was the slight bit of fruitiness in the aroma, otherwise a malty, sweet pale ale, better than average. Boxing day was a Yeastie Boys Digital IPA, I loved it, really showcases the NZ hops. New Year's eve, 8 wired Saison Sauvin, this was my beer highlight of the holidays, if not the year! Aromas of mango/pineapple and some phenolics from the yeast, big bold flavours yet dry enough to be refreshing to the end.

Been drinking some Tuatara beers lately.

Tuatara Pilsner is tasting great at the moment.  Way better that I remember it to be.  I had it side by side with Emerson's Pils and although quite similar I preffered the Tuatara :)

Tuatara Hefe on the other hand was not as good as I remembered it to be, yeast character wasn't what I expected :(

Funny you should say that Mr Cherry.  Having a Tuatara pils just now and it's delicious.  Seems to have different hops then when I had it last, a bit more proudly NZ then a czech homage. 

Snapped, Yes it a slightly diffrent beer than 18 months ago and  is proudly all kiwi and lots of them!!

Happened on this discussion, ironically after having a couple of Tuatara Pilsners at the end of a brew day and feeling annoyed that there were only two left in the fridge. The ones I've had are damned good from the bottle.

Snap. I have also picked up a 4pk with a nice Countdown special just this week. Better than I remembered. Also have a single of the Ardennes (sp?) to have at some point. Tuatara is right up the top of the session-able beers from a supermarket (used to think Stoke was) for me. I want to try the Munich next then the Helles and Hefe.

+1 Tuatara Pilsner, I've been drinking lots from my local, at first sip I thought Mike had make a cock up and bottled the IPA instead, but nope, just improved the sh*t outta the recipe!! Good on ya mate ;o)


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