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This is quite amazing. See attached file (you may need to download it and open it with Adobe Reader)

The sooner this lunacy is challenged and defeated the better!

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IPONZ the stupidity continues.



Maybe they should start compulsory drug testing like they do with forestry workers????

I think its unfair to blame the stupid shit that this agency does on drugs. Lots of drug users are perfectly onto it, alcohol is a drug, caffeine is a drug. They are just socially acceptable/legal drugs. Remember beer used to be illegal in most parts of New Zealand. The word was, it made you smash your wife and not go to church.

Its about incompetence and basic laziness.They can't be bothered googling Radler, so don't be surprised that they allowed a US company to trademark "Koha".

Hrm, I deest church, and I get my wife smashed on a regular basis... could be something to that Hugh! ;)

Here's the latest press release (received today) from Boundary Road Brewery:


Media release

Lawn Ranger cutting too close to the edge, claims rival


The Boundary Road Brewery is somewhat bemused by a legal letter it has received from Monteiths regarding its new Boundary Road Brewery Lawn Ranger beer.


Not satisfied with its Court win against small craft brewery Green Man, in which Monteiths secured the right to the word Radler as a brand name, Monteiths also maintains that reference to radler style is off limits to other brewers.


It seems that the Boundary Road Brewery has caused offence by using the term ‘radler style’ in reference to its new Lawn Ranger brew. 


Radler is the German word for cyclist which has been used since the 1920s to describe a refreshing beer and lemonade drink with a lemon/lime infusion.


“We are sure the more than 300 brewers in Germany currently using the term radler would take issue with the stance from Monteiths if they were ever to export their brews,” says Boundary Road General Marketing Manager Adam Maxwell.


Mr Maxwell says Boundary Road has no interest in engaging in a drawn out legal battle with Monteiths.


“The Boundary Road Brewery craft range launched in August is already off to a flying start and I am happy to leave it up to consumers to make their preference known. “


But in an effort to slow the flow of legal letters The Boundary Road Brewery hopes that referring to its new Lawn Ranger as being ‘in the style known internationally as a radler’ will suffice.



and here's what provoked it (don't miss the link to DB's letter to BRB)...


I still reckon that every brewery in the country should release a Radler and name it as such... DB can pay their lawyers to protect their trademark by enforcing legal proceedings against all those breweries.


That'd be fun.

Now that is fighting talk:)

With any bureaucracy the trick is not to fight it, as that is a long fight with slim chances of winning, but use the system against itself. A coordinated effort as you suggest would bring massive publicity than I can't imagine would be helpful to DB. 

A good lawyer could delay any court proceedings for over a year and at the last minute you just pull out and give in. You could even do it sequentially, so that there is constantly an attack upon Radler before the courts. Guerilla tactics:)

Still wondering when I'll get my cease and desist letter?

I'll keep flogging my Radler until they do. :o)

Just noticed there's an American brewery also called Greenman brewery, they even have a similar logo (http://greenmanbrewery.com).  Who was first


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