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How long do Crystal malts keep for in dry, fairly cool conditions? I've got about 150-200kgs of various crystal malts that are a few years old, is it worth using them?

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Personally I'd be looking to use them up within a year, perhaps 2 tops. If they smell ok and haven't gone soft they should be fine. I had a metallic aftertaste in one of my beers which I still think is down to old base malt, so I'm being a bit more careful with that from now on. Because spec malts get used in smaller amounts I'm also guessing they shouldn't be as much of a problem. What about doing a little mini steep on the stove top with a handful and see how it turns out?

I short, I'd dump them. Malts get what is called "slack" after about 1 year even though they are kept dry and cool. Depends how picky you are though. You could use them and get a "beer" but I wouldn't expect much from the "beer". Also, if you brew like me that supply will last anouther few year by which time it will be completely shot.

  I buy pale male in 25kg sacks and just take the hit buying special malts from the homebrew shop depending on what I,m brewing. Gets the best of both worlds.

The dont really seem that soft, but I might test the moisture level on them to make sure they havent absorbed too much from the atmosphere. I'm fairly picky and I usually only use the freshest of base and roasted grains, crystals make up minimal of my grain bill, but it seems a waste to dump so much, maybe use it to fatten the cattle.
out of interest how did you end up with a couple of hundred kg of crystal malt??
We were redistributing it through work, and must've ordered too much, sadly it got left behind for my disposal.

Chew on them, if the grains are still crunchy, and have flavour - then brew with it!!


I scored some free cara aroma from Steam Brewing a while back, when i got it it was around 4 years old, and yeah, nowhere near as fresh and awesome as a new batch, but IMO, the difference was quite minimal!! So i am of the opinion that if you have it, why not use it? No point wasting it I reckon...

I have been eating it and brewing with it I reckon its pretty good the only feedback I have had from fellow brewers whom I have shared it with is maybe that the potential is a little lower than normal crystal malt I think it was ~1.020 as compared to say normal at 1.035?

Would your tests agree with that?


Chris Banks

Eating it? Cooking with it? or just by the handful? I've got no idea on the extract at the moment, will probably test it and the moisture tomorrow if I get the chance.
Damn, right on with the extract, 1.02107 to be exact, and  1.01669 for the darker stuff

The grain may not be as good as it used to be. However, the beer you make with will still probably be better than Tui, Coopers, or some other big brewery beer.


Start brewing mate!

Hey!  What's with knocking Coopers?

"Hey!  What's with knocking Coopers?"


If Michael feels the same way I do, I believe its because Coopers is just not quite up there with all the really good craft breweries ;o)


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