No surprises here, IPONZ is of course covering their incompetent arses. But, SOBA did win in most respects. DB now knows it cannot keep the weeds of diversity down by trademarking every beer style (NZ'ers have not heard of) with impunity. They are not trying to get SOBA to pay costs. Heaps of non beer geeks now have another reason to dip toes into our great non-duopoly beer selection. The best way to extract revenge is to slowly deDB bars and restaurants, I am halfway through deDBing a bar now, unscrewing Heinlager signs, ripping out taps and ramming yummy kegs in the fridge. Cathartic.
True Bro, meanwhile TVNZ is...not mentioning the case? Having a booze up on free Heinlager? Harponing orphan walruses for new mo's for their Sainsbury Clone.
I have just written some feedback. I would encourage you all to do so. Please keep it clean and professional. Last thing we need is us looking like a bunch of uptight bogans.