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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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For me it's literally a metal flavor, as if someone scraped out my pot with a steelo while I wasn't watching. Blood is the other description I'd give for it.

The last time I tasted this flavour it was on a Three boys IPA at Confidential on The Terrace in Welly. (That was about 1.6 years ago.) Like Mr. Cherry said, it is kind of like tasting blood.


I think I need to watch True Blood now. :)

For me it's all in the after taste, as it goes down I get this very drying, astringent type feeling in my mouth and then a taste of like metal finning or something similar. Once it's been picked up it's very hard to not taste it and even imagine you're picking it up in everything!
OK 741 to weigh out for the weekend - Holiday Pale
85% Malteurop
15% Dark Caramalt
Pinch of black

Sauvin at 60 with a mix of pacfica, motueka and cascade at 20 10 1 and dry hopped

Looking at 1033 of course and enough IBU to hide any of the possible off flavours that are doing the rounds
Yeast is going to be a first run with Windsor.

Now, when I look here http://www.danstaryeast.com/products/windsor-ale-yeast  and here http://www.danstaryeast.com/library/rehydration-and-usage-tips-ale-...   I read that it suggests 1gm per litre
Is that right - do I really need to zip it up in a half size batch of Coopers to get me some more yeast ?
I wouldn't bother with a starter for that jt. If I was worried about it I'd focus more on rehydrating it well and making sure there's plenty of yeast nutrient in there. For a beer that small I reckon youll be fine.
That's the first time I've seen that rate for an ale Mr Cherry - and I'm not sure it's applicable to my 25 litres of little pale - but I need an excuse to scratch my Coopers itch !
You don't need an excuse to sratch a coopers itch. I'd be lying if I said I've brewed with less than 6 cooper's kits this year. They have their place.

Anyway, all done & dusted.

I got my 1033 and rehydrated and pitched the Windsor

It does remind me of the W1968, bready, but a bit more estery if my memory's holding up

Like this winter tap water, nice & cool, quick chilling, pitched @17c


The Windsor kicked off ok, but slowly with the tempertaures.

It dropped back to 14C, only got back up to 17C last night with some help from the heat pad.

Smells really good ...

It's had 8 days - the last 4 with dry hops

The Windsor's  got it down from 1033  to 1010 and it tastes good so far, nice & full and the hops are still there.

next up a couple of days on the garage floor to chill and drop those hops out then keg and carb in time for the weekend !


What will I be brewing next week?


Only Pliny the Eldar with proper American Two row, crystal and carapils malt!! Fu*k yeah!!!


Jelous much?? lol

What hops in that Rev?


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