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Hi all, done a porter(B IAB) that needs to sweeten up a lot.Fermented wort already, any suggestions before I bottle,????cheers

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You could age it for a few months - when the hops start to drop off it will seem sweeter then.  Other than that Im not sure what you could do, lactose?

Artificial sweetener such as nutrisweet? Anything that cannot be fermented would work.


Could try for xylitol from Annies?? http://www.annies.co.nz/products/group/15/page/1/style/21


Xylitol does not have the chemical taste that many of the high intensity artificial sweeteners do and would be used in much the same way as sugar, but it simply wont ferment. It tastes a bit different to sugar, but is pleasant. 



Lactose is an unfermentable milk sugar which you could sweeten it with.
Yeah - maltodextrin is quite widely available, and is the standard sweetner for beer. It comes from malt.

Feel like posting up the recipe so we know what you're dealing with here?

You could add some steeped crystal malt juice (boiled for sterilisation) to the beer, leave it for a week to allow for any additional fermentable sugars to ferment and then bottle it.  Just an idea, never tried it.



Stevia might be something to look into as well. Not sure what sort of aftertastes you might get, but for a plant-based sweetener it is far sweeter than sugar and should not be fermentable. I'd look for the actual herb from a health food store rather than a processed product.



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