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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Well i have just done my 30 + min a day exercise and im so fricken cold and my sneakers smell like dog shit , im going to give up in running i love my belly . time to light a fire and open the istout

At Pom's last night enjoying 8Wired/Renaissance/Yeasties Rescue Red/Bag of Suck(?). Very drinkable and I'm surprised that that yeast works so well with all the darker malts.

The real fave on the night though was Liberty's Darkest Days Stout. Perfect balance, complex dry cocoa flavours, and creamy head that lasts the entire glass (I think it was on handpump, which helped). Rare for me to stay on one beer, but such an awesome drop that I had no choice! :)   

Awesome review mate - glad you liked it... made using the same ingredients that I supply for you guys. Well... that's the Gimmick anyhow. It has US Cascade hops in it which aren't currently listed on Liberty. I will have a good supply of them from the end of next week though.


Thanks again Dougal.

Wish I could offer a review of Liberty's finest ales :oP haha


Can I just get a keg sent directly to my place plz??

I've got a keg of that stuff coming with me to Hallertau next week mate... I can shout you a pint.
I literally drooled onto my keyboard just then.

Argh, even more reason to stop in - Sadly I've got a mates leaving drinks that night and not sure if ill be able to make it =/


Ill defo be at Andrew Andrew on thursday tho!!

We've used a similar yeast in a couple of quite similar commercial beers in the past, so we knew it'd go ok.  There's a bit more hop in that beer though.  I'm not sure how much of a chance this beer will get but if a keg or two is still around at Beervana it will be a pretty awesome then.


Anyone who heard my exclamation upon tasting the 8 month old Return to Magenta at Pomeroy's Beer Dinner last November will know how appreciative I am of a bit of age on Belgian yeasts.

Drakes IPA from the bottle. It's infected. I'm disappointed. I'm not going to complain to the store that I got it from - as it's not his fault... and I don't hold them responsible for the overall quality of the beer in the bottle. I just thought at least that I could warn others of the quality issue.


So on to good things...


Rogue: Dead Guy. Awesome.

Big Sky: Moose Drool. Freekin aye. That stuff's the shit.

Sierra Nevada: Torpedo. Consistent as usual. Oxidised though... can't ask for too much I guess.

Stone: Arrogant Bastard. Fuck yeah... fresh and freeking delicious.

Victory: Hop Wallop. Tasted like Robotussen, or raspberry cough syrup. Funny Beer.

Victory: Hop Devil. Tasted like a watered down version of Robotussen or rasperry cough syrup. Smaller funny beer.

Lagunitas: Maximus. Quite fresh with more subued hop character. Pineapple hop, Earthy hop... different to the citrus bombs out there. A bold beer nonetheless.

Bacchus: Kreikenbeir. I came in my pants when I drank this. Highly recommended.

Westmalle: Dubbel. It's the best Dubbel money can buy. Thats all thereis to it.


Only one left - Great devide: Hercules.


And Rogue Shakespare Stout. I'm using that as the palate adjuster for next weekend.

Epic Pale Ale tonight and boy was it good!!!  It's always a great beer but tonight it just seemed better.  Beautiful, fresh, uplifting hoppiness.  It may well have just been mood related but I wouldn't be surprised if that recipe has been tweaked or  brewed with a new season of hops, or something.  Well done guys, you just inspired me... again.


Had a couple of Yeastieboys last night (beers that is):

Rex Attitude - Hmmm.  Not for me I'm afraid.  The aroma & flavour reminded me of overheated brake pads, smoking hot train brakes to be precise.  I struggled through half a glass before giving up and moving on to the next beer.  Glad to have experienced it though, I think.


Hud-a-wa Strong - Very nice and just what I needed after the Rex experience.  Reminded me that I need to aquaint myself with more English yeasts.  This was the first of two beers this week that have inspired me to add something to my "To Brew" list.  Cheers Yeastieboys.



Best compliment we can ever get on these forums... cheers.


Earlier at a tasting I had a Waldhaus Spezial gold (helles)

Now I'm home and having Emersons Wiezenbock,

I'll follow this with a Cassels Dunkel.

Also picked up a bottle of mashup from regionals to have tomorrow.... I'll be very interested to see what this tastes like.


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