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Thought it might be handy to have a thread for some of the more advanced brewers to give some advice on recipes.

Let's see how it goes eh...

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Anybody used K97 before with any success. A recipe I am about to do calls for it and I hear it is bloody hard to get hold off

Brewers Coop have it on their website - not sure if its in stock though.

You'd have to give Mike a call.

BC should have it in stock.


I've used it before.  A long time ago.  Can't say there's anything bad about it, pretty clean, doesn't flocc well, def a German ale yeast not a typical estery/phenolic yeast strain.

"pitch and walk away"


LOL, sounds like that 30 seconds cleaner ad ;o)

I look good in a white labcoat !

Got avariation of the last pale coming up.
Previous version was Sauvin to bitter then Hallertau and Motueka in equal quantities @ 15 10 5 & 0
I'm going to try Cascade & Motueka at the same timings and I'm wondering if I should use the same 50/50 split

I'm tempted to slant it in favour of the Cascade - any opinions - anyone used a cascade / Mot combo ?

JT - whilst I havnt done it with NZ cascade I have with US cascade, and I guess what makes this relevant is IMO US cascade is a little more subtle than NZ cascade - so, if I were gonna mix up mot and nz cascade, id probably lean more towards mot then cascade, maybe 60/40 mot/cascade??


All good Rev, I'll bear that in mind


cheers, jt

Agreed about the NZ Cascade. 

Just finished this pale ale tonight. The Cascade became quite dominant once the Sauvin faded. I'll be going 60:40 or even 70:30 next time

I have been given a "pillow" of fresh hop flowers this week. Smells like Nelson Sauvin - the grower isn't sure what it is. Auckland Terrior hops eh? Smells pretty yum.


I haven't over-hopped on NS yet so I I'm not too scared off by NS like a few of you seem to be. I was thinking of a pommie bitters/Pale Ale using some Notts which I am thinking will subdue the NS as a single hop.


Does anyone else have any ideas for using up the NS flowers.


At risk of showing off my ignorance - I usually get a bit of a bittery and gooseberry smell when I smell NS pellets but the flowers seem more resinous/citrusy with the gooseberry smell. Does this mean the the NZ flowers wont be as harsh as a flavour/aroma hop compared to using the pellets?

I doubt that the flowers are actually Nelson Sauvin... there's only one place you can get them from: and they don't com in a format that will grow roots into the ground and become a plant.


Where did you get them from? Maybe we can help make an educated guess as to what the variety actually is. (Unless you got them fresh from NZ Hops... or a Nelson Hop Grower who confirmed that they are indeed NS...)

I gather the hop plants you can buy from nurseries etc are normally 'smoothcone', an older NZ cultivar which is one of the parents of NS but not grown commercially anymore. Might be what John's got?


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