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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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temperature correction ?

That was taken at 22deg?

So a correction would have it at 1081 approx.

ok just checked/calibrated the hydrometer and in tap water @ 18deg it's reading 1002.

Coopers kits were reduced to clear at the supermarket so I couldn't help myself. Real blast from the past returning to kits.


2x 1.7kg cans of Coopers Draught ($7.72 each).

350g crystal (freebie)

30g nz goldings @ 5mins (freebie)

1272 yeast (also free).

Boil: 15mins

Batch size: 23ish litres - maybe more.


I suspect it will come out too bitter using both cans but giving it a go anyway.

I suspect it will come out too bitter


Could it be close to an Imperial Coopers perhaps ?

They also go well with a mash of pale grain instead of dextrose or sugar - they turn out quite authentic Coopers-type ale (if that's what you want), especially with their yeast

Was tasting fairly bitter going into the fermenter but we will see. 25 litres @ 1.042.


Forgot how hard it is to get it down to pitching temp without a immersion coil. Wound up pitching at 30 degrees because I want to go to bed. I guess it will definitely taste like a kit now :-).

Batch 725 - a bitza brown, last of the cara & crystals with cascade and some W1469 courtesy of the NWRU (North Welly Research unit - aka Chris)


15% Crystal / caramalt

7% chocolates

1.5% black

Balance Malteurop

Sauvin to bitter then cascade

Aiming for 1.034 and 30 ibu

Probably all wrong for the yeast, but that was all set to go when the yeast turned up

I'll sort something more appropriate for next week

1.034 to 1010 and smooth. No real hop prescence but that's ok, there's some bitterness, the hops may come out in the finished beer ? Never mind that, it's got a bit more character than the same beer with '05 has had at the same stage ... but we'll see what happens


cheers, jt

"the hops may come out in the finished beer ? "

Thats the whole 'yeast in the glass' thing I was going on about JT, youll notice the hops alot more when the beer clears!

I agree with your 'yeast in the glass' thing Rev but I think it also depends on the yeast.  A little US-05 in the glass doesn't seem to make much difference but 3787 in the glass makes a completely different beer.


Not sure about W1469, I'll take your word for it though.



'think it also depends on the yeast.'


Absolutely mate, I was actually referring to another thread specifically on 1469 that JT put up the other day..

It's pretty clear now - ok, not crystal but apart from the thick stuff on top, the wort in the sample was relatively clear, clearer than 05 would be at the same time.


Nice to have a yeast with some character after many many brews with 05


05 in the glass ? Correct Mr C, you'd hardly notice it, When I started to transition from liquids to dry, I could pick the 05 character immediately comparted to the 1275 or 1968 that I was using. But I think I;ve become immune or dulled to the characteristics of 05 now.

I reckon you'll be about right.
I've also been mucking about with the toucan option for quick and easy brews lately and was concerned about ending up too bitter.
The numbers in the charts on AHB give a value for each Coopers Draught kit of about 23IBU. So with your Willamette (approx 5 IBU) theoretically you're up to about 50 with your brew.
In practice I'd say the kits actually end up less bitter than the theory says - and with your crystal you're looking at a reasonable balance.
Keep us informed about how it turns out - and good score on the $7 kits too.


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