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Thought it might be handy to have a thread for some of the more advanced brewers to give some advice on recipes.

Let's see how it goes eh...

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I think Nelson Sav gives a passionfruit hint anytime I've used it
I'm using Kolsch Malt as a base today (from brewers coop, I assume it's the Global Cologne stuff), can anybody tell me if it needs a 90 minute boil to drive off DMS precursors like Pilsner malt, I cant seem to find any info on this.
Cheers !
Nope, treat it like pale malt and you'll be fine. Beautiful stuff.
Awesome, thanks Martin !

at work, so found this site to give me some information like beersmith:



it's meant to be an American Red Ale (can't find an exact style to it, so went with American Amber instead), after a nice malty beer, with some solid, but not over powering, hop flavours.


and obviously, want it in the red SRM range.

Looking to brew a beer in a couple of weeks or so with my new temperature control fridge (will post something about it in the newbies thread). Probably a nice quaffable but hoppy and fruity pale ale (1.040-1.050) partial mash. I generally do a mini stove top BIAB in my 17litre pot with 3 kg of grain (about 12-13 litres of water in the kettle) and some DME.  I have a wee bit of crystal 90EBC, some Carapils, but will need to order some more base malt.


I currently have a reasonable quantity (100g or so) of NZ Willamette, Imported Styrian Goldings, about 50g of Sauvin, along with a smiggen of Super Alpha and Riwaka. I'm tempted to try buy some motueka to try and use with the styrians. But anyway, suggest me a beer to brew!

Deeble, Hey man, good to see your brewing !

How about something along the lines of Emersons Bookbinder (loosely)?

I think 1.040 with about 7% crystal, bittered to about 35IBU, with about 20g at 15 mins and 0 mins of a Styrian/Riwaka mix (if you have enough) would be awesome. Just a suggestion !

I probably have 25grams of riwaka so that could work, any difference I can probably make up with a very small quantity of Sauvin. Sounds like a plan.

Looking to brew an IIPA or American IPA or whatever in the future. Happy with the malt bill but just interested in peoples thoughts about the hops. Nelson Sauvin and Rakau; do they get along? If so is there a ratio you would adhere too? I know NS can dominate a beer so should I add more Rakau to compensate. At the moment I'm looking at 20gm Rakau and 15gm NS at 60, 45, 30, 15, 0 + dry hopping. I want something hoppy and bitter, but also want it to be drinkable.


Any help appreciated.

no point in a 45 min addition is there? all your doing is adding extra bitterness.

might as well add it at 60 TBO. bitterness is bitterness so i've been told.


for my PA's, i tend to bitter at 60, flavour at 20 (no longer, anything longer and your just getting bitterness), 10 and 0, with a dry hop addition. for IPA's i might chuck in some at 15 and 5 as well.


so i'd go:

60, 15, 10, 5, 0, dry. that should give you a nice hoppy beer.


calc your IBU's from your 60 and 45 min additions, and combine it at 60. all your flavour will be at the 15, 10, 5 min additions, and your aroma is 0 and dry.

"no point in a 45 min addition is there? all your doing is adding extra bitterness.

might as well add it at 60 TBO. bitterness is bitterness so i've been told."


Highly disagree with this, have done experiments with beers that have only bittering additions and the flavour most definately comes through!! Some varietys more so than others, for example Sauvin you can definately taste if you use it @ 90 or 60, or 45 mins!!

Any comments on the ration of Rakau and NS. I am too considering something similar.


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