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Got back from a holiday in the US six months ago and brought back a few ounces of Citra, Sarachi Ace and Amarillo whole cone hops. MAF didn't even bat an eyelash when I showed them. These varieties are the BEST I've ever brewed with, nothing grown in NZ seems to compare. I've found a few places I can get imported amarillo hop pellets from but I don't really like using them in my all grain system, quite a pain in my opinion. Seeing as I've finished everything off I'm itchin' for a new batch of the above mentioned varieties. I've contacted freshops.com and they are willing to ship them with MAF approval. Before I contact MAF I thought I'd see if anyone else has done the same and what were the outcomes?




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I'd roll with this if I were you.... http://www.libertybrewing.co.nz/catalog/19/imported_hops


Cheaper, and faster postage!

I have to admit - my range isn't quite as impressive as craftbrewer... but if there is some hops that you fellas want, just flick me an email and I'll see what I can do.
Anymore Amarillo and Simcoe this year Jo?

Not any of the 2010 harvest - it's all sold out. I heard a rhumor that some 2009 is available from some stock holders, but these would be sold at the 2009 rates. For hoebrewers, Simcoe and Amarillo might almost be unattainable this year.


Bad news aye?


"For hoebrewers, Simcoe and Amarillo might almost be unattainable this year."



Don't worry about it bro - all the craft breweries over here are using them now. You'll get sick of the flavour soon enough ;)

Might just pay to ask your homebrew shop to stock up now.....some American types are going to be hard to come by until later in the year.

Hmm, that might be enough to make me build a still :oP God knows I wont be able to afford kilo's of hops again like last time :o(


Ugh, or, dare I say, get closer acquanted with NZ hop variety...

There will be heaps of Riwaka available in March bro...

"There will be heaps of Riwaka available in March bro..."


Really?  More acreage now or just not all snapped up this time?


I'm kinda seeing an upside to the shortage though - might bring out some more malty beers and push some people, myself included, to get creative...

"push some people, myself included, to get creative..."


Hmm, that gets me thinking, maybe youll see a few sour and fruit beers from my brewery this year :o)


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