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Finally have a leave pass , and canceled all other appointments. Is there an Auckland meeting on the 11th?
If so can you please provide details.
Be great to get to meet you all.


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I've been meaning to post something about this, but have been submerged with one thing and another.

We were due to have a meeting on the 11th July, and according to the schedule we should be at Hallertau. However, I'm suggesting we change plans slightly. Instead I'm recommending that the next SOBA Auckland-area gathering should be at the Auckland launch of the West Coast IPAs - Epic Armageddon & Hallertau's Maximus Humulus Lupulus. This will be at brew on Quay on Friday 24th July (an evening thing). It's hard to pass up an opportunity to sample 2 amazing beers like that in one place, plus Brew on Quay is looking very promising and deserves our support.

So come one come all to Brew on Quay on Friday 24th July for some hoppy goodness!

Just to prove I can plan slightly further ahead, the next meeting will revert to the traditional second Saturday (8th August). Since this falls on my birthday I'm proposing a homebrew tasting round at my place in Browns Bay. If you're a homebrewer, bring something along to share. If you're not, come and find out why you should be.
Both beers are big improvements on last year... you guys will have loads of fun.

The homebrew thing sounds swell, I wish I could be there.
Rats, can't make either date.
Already booked a hotel room for Alex and I. See you all there.
Me too. Race you up the motorway from Hamilton!
I'm still not convinced I'll have recovered from the weekend before...
Keen as for this.
Cool, will see you there. But if anyone else wants to have an informal meeting on Saturday at Hallertau, let me know.

A few of us are meeting up at my place in Browns Bay on saturday to hand over the case swap beers and to try what ive got on tap at the mo... Youre more than welcome to join us if you like? PM me if interested...
Still on for this boys and girls?

What time's everyone arriving? I'll be there early, got work the next day.
Would love to be there, but unfortunately work (filthy necessary evil) and kids sports is taking presedence at the mo. Next time!
What a coincidence, I also have work on saturday :o( Will probably head in at about 630/7ish


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